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the weight of the rocket

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Gravity is the force that pulls downwards on a rocket as it is launched into space. Gravity acts to pull the rocket back towards the Earth's surface.

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Q: What force pulls downwards on a rocket as it is launched into space?
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What is the name of the force which pulls the masses downwards?

The force that pulls masses downwards is gravity. It is the force of attraction between all objects that have mass.

What is the name of the force that acts downwards?

The force that acts downwards is called gravity. It is the force of attraction that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.

What is the name of the force that pulls you downwards?

Gravity. It is the force that pulls objects with mass towards each other, causing objects to fall towards the Earth.

Is gravity the force applied up or down on an object?

Gravity pulls things downwards, so it is pointed downwards. If an object is resting on something (like a book resting on a table) an equal force will point upwards and that force is known as the normal force.

What force does a rocket have to overcome to move skyward?

A rocket has to overcome the force of gravity in order to move skyward. This force pulls the rocket downward and needs to be overcome by the thrust generated by the rocket's engines in order to achieve lift-off.

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The force of gravity pulls down on all objects here on earth. If objects are allowed to fall, they accelerate downwards.

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The 4 forces of air are: 1: thrust pushes the plane forward 2:drag pulls the plane backwards 3:gravity pulls the plane downwards 4:lift pulls the plane upwards

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Gravity Gravity is the force that pulls everything downwards towards the centre of the earth. There are no scientific explanations to why and how this force works - it's God's perfect design.

What force makes things fall downwards?

The force that makes things fall downwards is gravity. Gravity is the attraction between two objects with mass, causing objects to be drawn towards each other. On Earth, the gravitational force pulls objects towards the center of the planet, which is why things fall downward when dropped.

Why does gravity make you go down a slide?

Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. When you go down a slide, gravity pulls you downwards, causing you to slide along the incline. The steeper the slide, the faster you accelerate due to the gravitational force acting on you.

What is the force that acts against the force of buoyancy?

The force that acts against the force of buoyancy is gravity. Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an object immersed in the fluid. Gravity, on the other hand, pulls objects downwards.

If you drop a rock what is the force acting on it?

When you drop a rock, the force acting on it is gravity. Gravity pulls objects toward the center of the Earth, causing the rock to accelerate downwards until it reaches the ground.