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Gravity at ( 9.81 meters by second)

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4mo ago

The force that makes an object go downward is gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, causing them to be drawn towards each other. When an object is dropped, gravity pulls it towards the center of the Earth, causing it to move downward.

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How is the force of earth's gravity overcome when an object is launched?

By applying an upward force on the object that is greater than the downward force of Earth's gravity acting on it. Somewhat the same thing that you do with your leg muscles when you walk upstairs, or go in for a jump shot.

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If a rocket exerts a greater downward force than the force with which gravity pulls on, it will accelerate upwards.

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More friction typically makes an object go slower. Friction is a force that opposes motion and reduces the speed of an object.

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Have the force at a constant right angle to the motion. (Centripetal force always acts at right angles to the motion of the object, this is what makes it go around in a circle)

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At terminal velocity, the drag force upward is equal to the gravitational force downward, resulting in a balance of forces. As a result, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed.

Why does an object fall when you pick it up and then let go?

An object falls when you let go of it because of the force of gravity pulling it towards the Earth. When you are holding the object, you are counteracting the force of gravity with your hand, but once you let go, there is no longer any force opposing gravity, so the object falls.

Why does object always fall down and not go up?

Objects fall down because of the gravitational force pulling them towards the Earth's center. This force is constant and always towards the center of the Earth, causing objects to move in that direction when dropped. Additionally, the air resistance and other forces acting on the object also contribute to its downward motion.

What does unbalanced force do to an object?

The forces cause the object to move in the direction of the net force. If there are two unbalanced forces in opposite directions, the object will go in the direction of the stronger force.

Can an object travel downwards with the acceleration more than the acceleration due to gravity of the earth?

Yes but it would take a downward force. In a free fall scenario, an object reaches Terminal Velocity or 200 km/h. Obviously you can go faster if you have a rocket strapped to your back though.

How is it possible to be moving in one direction even though the unbalanced force is in the opposite direction?

Perhaps you are thinking that the velocity should be proportional to the force, or something like that. That's not the way it works. It is the acceleration, not the velocity, that is proportional to the force, but it may take a while to change the velocity. If an object is moving in one direction and there is a force in the opposite direction, it may simply take a while for the velocity to change enough, so that it also moves in the direction of the force. For example, if you throw an object upwards, once you let it go, basically the only force acting on the object is gravity - which basically pulls it downward. Depending on the object's speed, it may take a while for the object to "turn around".

What does inertia cause a moving object to do?

Inertia causes a moving object to continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.