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Gravity is stronger. If gravity was not stronger air would make us float away. Air is trying to make things go up and gravity is making things go down.

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4mo ago

Gravity is typically stronger than air resistance. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards each other, whereas air resistance is a type of friction that opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. This means that in most cases, gravity will have a greater impact on the motion of an object compared to air resistance.

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Q: What force is stronger gravity or air resistance?
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Why is gravity a bigger force than air resistance?

It isn't, necessarily. But the force of gravity is constant, whereas the force of air resistance depends on how fast you're moving through the air. So when you begin to fall, gravity is stronger, and it makes you fall faster and faster. But as your speed increases, so does the force of air resistance, and eventually, the force of air resistance builds up to be equal to the force of gravity. At that point, you keeep falling, but your speed doesn't grow any more.

When air resistance is greater than force of gravity what will be the effect of force?

When air resistance is greater than the force of gravity acting on an object, it will slow down the object's descent. This is because the air resistance force counteracts the force of gravity, reducing the acceleration of the object as it falls.

Projectiles are subject to what two forces?

Projectiles are subject to the force of gravity, which causes them to accelerate downward, and the force of air resistance, which opposes their motion through the air.

When a N parachutist opens his chute and experiences 800 N of air resistance the net force on him is?

Net force = Force of gravity - Force of air resistance = weight - air resistance = mg - 800N.

Is air resistance a form of gravity?

No, air resistance is not a form of gravity. Air resistance is a type of friction that acts on objects moving through the air, slowing them down. Gravity, on the other hand, is the force of attraction between objects with mass.

Related questions

Why is gravity a bigger force than air resistance?

It isn't, necessarily. But the force of gravity is constant, whereas the force of air resistance depends on how fast you're moving through the air. So when you begin to fall, gravity is stronger, and it makes you fall faster and faster. But as your speed increases, so does the force of air resistance, and eventually, the force of air resistance builds up to be equal to the force of gravity. At that point, you keeep falling, but your speed doesn't grow any more.

When air resistance is greater than force of gravity what will be the effect of force?

When air resistance is greater than the force of gravity acting on an object, it will slow down the object's descent. This is because the air resistance force counteracts the force of gravity, reducing the acceleration of the object as it falls.

A feather is in freefall when the force of gravity is greater than the force of air resistance is equal to the force of air resistance is less than the force of air resistance is the only force acting?

"Free fall" means that gravity is the only force acting on a body.

What force changes when a sky diver's parachute opens?

The force that changes is air resistance and the force that stay the same is gravity.

What do you get when the force of air Resistance from the force of gravity?

The net force on a following object

Do you get when you subtract the force of air resistance from the force of gravity?

Terminal Velocity

What is the counter force of an airplane?

Gravity and air resistance.

Projectiles are subject to what two forces?

Projectiles are subject to the force of gravity, which causes them to accelerate downward, and the force of air resistance, which opposes their motion through the air.

How does shape and air resistance can effect the laws of gravity?

It doesn't. The force of gravity depends on the masses involved, and their distance. However, air resistance can introduce other forces, that counteract the force of gravity.

When a N parachutist opens his chute and experiences 800 N of air resistance the net force on him is?

Net force = Force of gravity - Force of air resistance = weight - air resistance = mg - 800N.

What two forces act on all falling objects in the earths atmosphere?

The two forces acting on falling objects in Earth's atmosphere are gravity, which pulls objects downward towards the center of the Earth, and air resistance, which slows down the object's fall as it moves through the air.

When is air resistance stronger than gravity?

When terminal velocity has been reached.