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When a hand throws an object, it applies a force known as the "throwing force" or launching force. This force is responsible for giving the object its initial velocity and trajectory. The throwing force comes from the muscles in the hand, arm, and shoulder that propel the object forward.

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Q: What force a hand apply when it throws an object?
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What kind of force is a push by a hand?

A push by a hand is an example of a contact force, which is a force applied when two objects are in physical contact with each other. In this case, the hand exerts a force on the object it is pushing.

Is it true mass is a mesure of force that an object has?

No, mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is a fundamental property. Weight, on the other hand, is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object.

How does force affect speed of an object?

Force can increase or decrease the speed of an object. If a force is applied in the direction of motion, the object will accelerate and its speed will increase. On the other hand, if a force acts in the opposite direction of motion, the object will decelerate and its speed will decrease.

How do you find the output and input force of a doorknob?

The output force is the force applied by your hand to the doorknob, while the input force is the force exerted by the doorknob on the door. To find these forces, you can measure the distance from the point where your hand touches the doorknob to the center of the doorknob for input force, and the distance from the same point to where the force is applied by your hand for output force, and then apply the principle of moments.

What happens to the pen what could have coused the pens motion?

The pen was pushed by an external force, such as someone's hand or another object, which caused it to move. When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate and change its position.

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How do you change the distance of the work?

By applying less force. The more force you apply the less distance there is, but the less force you apply the more distance there is. This is why on a ramp it takes less force to push something up a ramp than to lift it, but at the same time it takes a longer distance to move the object in question. On the other hand, simply lifting the object will require more force but less distance.

What kind of force is a push by a hand?

A push by a hand is an example of a contact force, which is a force applied when two objects are in physical contact with each other. In this case, the hand exerts a force on the object it is pushing.

What are some examples of indirect and indirect force?

Direct force is when an object touches another like opening a door. You apply direct force by pulling the door. On the other hand with indirect force, there is no contact a good example is magnets and gravity.

Is it true mass is a mesure of force that an object has?

No, mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is a fundamental property. Weight, on the other hand, is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object.

What is the equation for pressure when the force is perpendicular to the surface area?

Pressure of solid on a solidWhen you apply a force to a solid object, the pressure is defined as the force applied divided by the area of application. The equation for pressure is: P = F/AwhereP is the pressureF is the applied forceA is the surface area where the force is appliedF/A is F divided by AFor example, if you push on an object with your hand with a force of 20 pounds, and the area of your hand is 10 square inches, then the pressure you are exerting is 20 / 10 = 2 pounds per square inch.

How does force affect speed of an object?

Force can increase or decrease the speed of an object. If a force is applied in the direction of motion, the object will accelerate and its speed will increase. On the other hand, if a force acts in the opposite direction of motion, the object will decelerate and its speed will decrease.

How do you find the output and input force of a doorknob?

The output force is the force applied by your hand to the doorknob, while the input force is the force exerted by the doorknob on the door. To find these forces, you can measure the distance from the point where your hand touches the doorknob to the center of the doorknob for input force, and the distance from the same point to where the force is applied by your hand for output force, and then apply the principle of moments.

What are the functions of first class lever?

It makes it easier for the effort force [such as your hand] to lift the resistance force [such as a heavy object].

What happens to the pen what could have coused the pens motion?

The pen was pushed by an external force, such as someone's hand or another object, which caused it to move. When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate and change its position.

Does a doorknob increase force when a hand turns it?

No, a doorknob does not increase force when a hand turns it. The doorknob simply provides a grip for the hand to apply force to open or close the door. The amount of force required to turn the doorknob depends on factors such as the design of the door mechanism and the friction in the hinges.

Why does an object fall when you pick it up and then let go?

An object falls when you let go of it because of the force of gravity pulling it towards the Earth. When you are holding the object, you are counteracting the force of gravity with your hand, but once you let go, there is no longer any force opposing gravity, so the object falls.

What happens when you place a positive charged object in a magnetic field?

When a positive charged object is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force perpendicular to both the direction of the magnetic field and the object's velocity. The direction of the force is determined by the right-hand rule, and the object will move in a curved path due to this force.