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The person feels the pain because the pins and heat sensors in the person fingers are activated and send an 'I am being damaged' message to the brain.

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1mo ago

The nerve endings in the person's skin feel the pain when they touch a hot spoon. These nerve endings send signals to the brain, which interprets the sensation as pain and triggers a reflex to remove the hand from the hot object to protect the skin from damage.

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A person feeling weight of air feels?

The weight of air is known as atmospheric pressure. A person may not physically feel the weight of air, but changes in atmospheric pressure can sometimes be felt in the ears or head, especially during changes in altitude like going up a mountain. This can cause discomfort or even pain in some individuals.

What part of your body feels a lot pain for kids?

Children's pain tolerance varies, but common areas where they may feel a lot of pain include the head (such as headaches or earaches), the stomach (such as stomach aches), and limbs (such as injuries or fractures). It's important to pay attention to a child's complaints of pain and seek medical attention if needed.

Why do wedgies hurt guys and not girls?

Wedgies can be uncomfortable for both guys and girls, but the specific sensation of pain experienced may vary from person to person, regardless of gender. Factors such as the type of underwear being worn, the intensity of the wedgie, and an individual's sensitivity to discomfort contribute to how painful a wedgie feels.

If while doing range of motion I feel resistance of patient starts to complain of pain should I continue?

No, if a patient feels resistance or complains of pain during range of motion exercises, you should stop immediately. Continuing could potentially worsen the injury or cause further discomfort to the patient. It's important to assess the situation and modify the activity as needed to prevent any harm.

What does a cold pressor test measure?

A cold pressor test measures a person's pain tolerance and cardiovascular response to the stress of immersing their hand in ice-cold water for a short period of time. It is used to assess autonomic nervous system function and pain sensitivity in research and clinical settings.

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The pain is usually localized, and there may be muscle spasms or soreness when the doctor touches the area. The patient usually feels better when resting.

What body system is at work when a person feels pain?

The nerves they are over active in Wich case brings pain

What is meant by fighting?

fighting is to bother with someone or do something which makes next person hurt or feels pain.

Does Paxil help arthritis?

Not directly. It's not a pain medication. However, chronic pain does have an affect on a person's mental health. As the result, paxil may make a person feels better overall.

What does pain actually feel like?

This question is so broad because "pain" feels different to every person, although some types of pain are more characteristic of certain illnesses and disorders.For example, everyone knows the pain of stubbing one's toe. It throbs. But the throbbing I feel might be very little, while your hurt toe may throb a lot.Generally speaking, pain can be described in ANY of the following ways:sorenessachingthrobbingstabbingburningexcruciatingmildannoyingsearingdebilitatingsevereDoctors usually ask questions to get a person's description of the pain (Doc it feels like someone is stabbing me!), the quality of the pain (severe! mild), the location of the pain, and a rating of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe pain that person can imagine.

How does it feel when you get bully?

It feels pain.

What should a person do if they felt pain during urination?

If a person feels pain during urination, they should see their primary care physician. Possible explanations for the pain could include urinary tract infection, sexually transmitted disease, or more. Antibiotics may be required.

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What is it when you have pain that feels like a long needle prick?

Probably nerve pain.

What a broken window feels homonym?

pane, pain

Do you feel pain when the fertilize egg attach it self?

Yes it feels like a period pain

What is the adaptation of a stingray?

The adaptation of a sting ray is when it touches a human the human falls in pain.