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Oscillations in a system can be caused by factors such as feedback loops, resonant frequencies, and energy being continuously supplied and dissipated within the system. These factors can lead to the system repeatedly moving back and forth around an equilibrium position.

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Q: What factors cause a system to oscillate?
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What are the basic properties required by a system to oscillate?

For a system to oscillate, it must have both inertia (resistance to change in motion) and a restoring force (a force that brings the system back to its equilibrium position after being displaced). These two properties are necessary for the system to oscillate back and forth around a stable equilibrium point.

What does the term forcing frequency mean?

Forcing frequency refers to the frequency at which an external force is applied to a system. This force can cause the system to oscillate or vibrate with the same frequency as the external force. In physics and engineering, understanding the forcing frequency is essential for analyzing the system's response and behavior.

Is a elastic wave transverse or longitudinal?

Elastic waves can be both transverse and longitudinal. Transverse waves cause particles to oscillate perpendicular to the direction of the wave, like ripples on a pond. Longitudinal waves cause particles to oscillate parallel to the direction of the wave, like compressional waves in a slinky.

Why the height side pressure oscillate from 300 to 360 psi in a domestic ac sistem with a Carrie ac?

Fluctuations in refrigerant pressures in an air conditioning system can be caused by various factors, such as temperature changes, dirty air filters, low refrigerant levels, or a faulty compressor. It is recommended to have a professional HVAC technician inspect the system to determine the exact cause of the pressure fluctuations and perform any necessary repairs to ensure proper operation of the system.

Why closed loop control system has tendency to oscillate?

Closed loop control systems tend to oscillate due to instability in the system caused by the presence of excessive gain or phase lag. When the gain or phase lag is too high, it can result in the system becoming over-compensated, leading to oscillations as the system tries to correct itself. Tuning the system parameters, such as gain and phase, is essential to prevent oscillations in a closed loop control system.

Related questions

What are the basic properties required by a system to oscillate?

For a system to oscillate, it must have both inertia (resistance to change in motion) and a restoring force (a force that brings the system back to its equilibrium position after being displaced). These two properties are necessary for the system to oscillate back and forth around a stable equilibrium point.

Do parabolas oscillate?

NO. They do not oscillate.

What does the term forcing frequency mean?

Forcing frequency refers to the frequency at which an external force is applied to a system. This force can cause the system to oscillate or vibrate with the same frequency as the external force. In physics and engineering, understanding the forcing frequency is essential for analyzing the system's response and behavior.

Is oscillate a verb?

Yes, oscillate is a verb.

Why do your front brakes sometimes oscillate on 1998 E150 clubwagon?

Warped rotor is the most likely cause.

Is a elastic wave transverse or longitudinal?

Elastic waves can be both transverse and longitudinal. Transverse waves cause particles to oscillate perpendicular to the direction of the wave, like ripples on a pond. Longitudinal waves cause particles to oscillate parallel to the direction of the wave, like compressional waves in a slinky.

Why the height side pressure oscillate from 300 to 360 psi in a domestic ac sistem with a Carrie ac?

Fluctuations in refrigerant pressures in an air conditioning system can be caused by various factors, such as temperature changes, dirty air filters, low refrigerant levels, or a faulty compressor. It is recommended to have a professional HVAC technician inspect the system to determine the exact cause of the pressure fluctuations and perform any necessary repairs to ensure proper operation of the system.

How do you use the word oscillate in a sentence?

The swing will oscillate after Helen moves it.

Can you cause an object to oscillate at a frequency other than its natural frequency?

Yes. It may respond to harmonic frequencies also.

What part of speech is the word oscillate?

The part of speech for oscillate is verb.

Why closed loop control system has tendency to oscillate?

Closed loop control systems tend to oscillate due to instability in the system caused by the presence of excessive gain or phase lag. When the gain or phase lag is too high, it can result in the system becoming over-compensated, leading to oscillations as the system tries to correct itself. Tuning the system parameters, such as gain and phase, is essential to prevent oscillations in a closed loop control system.

Can a simple pendulum oscillate during free fall motion?

No, a simple pendulum cannot oscillate during free fall motion because in free fall, the object is accelerating due to gravity and there is no restoring force acting on the object to cause oscillations.