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To make accurate measurements of distance traveled during an attempt on a land speed record, equipment such as GPS devices, accelerometers, and wheel encoders can be used. These tools can provide precise data on speed, distance, and acceleration throughout the record attempt. Additionally, utilizing high-quality cameras or laser-based systems can help validate and cross-reference the measurement data for improved accuracy.

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Q: What equipment can be used to make accurate measurements of distance traveled during an attempt on land speed record?
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To calculate the velocity of an object, you would typically need two measurements: the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance. By dividing the distance traveled by the time taken, you can determine the object's velocity.

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For a taxi driver, accurate measurements of time, distance, and fuel consumption are essential. Keeping track of the time taken for each trip, the distance traveled, and the amount of fuel used helps in computing fares accurately, managing schedule efficiently, and maintaining cost-effective operations.

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No, displacement and distance traveled are two different measurements. Distance traveled is the total length of the path taken, while displacement is the change in position from the starting point to the ending point, taking into account direction.

Which two measurements are needed to determine the speed of an object?

To determine the speed of an object, you would need to know the distance it has traveled and the time it took to cover that distance. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

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To calculate speed, you need distance and time measurements. The speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. It helps provide information about how fast an object is moving.

Which two measurements are needed in order to calculate the speed of an object in motion?

The two measurements needed to calculate the speed of an object in motion are distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance. Speed is calculated as distance divided by time.

The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed are?

Distance covered (S) and the total time it took to cover that distance (T). Then the average speed V = S/T which is distance per time, known as speed.

What is the distance traveled by an object divided by the time in which the distance was traveled without identifying the direction traveled?

Speed describes the distance traveled by an object divided by the time in which the distance was traveled, if the direction is not specified.

What are distance traveled and time traveled and rate of travel related?

Rate of travel = (distance traveled) divided by (time traveled)

What was the distance ben traveled?

Ben traveled a distance of 110 miles.

What is the formula for distance traveled?

distance traveled = speed multiplied by time taken.