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There is a very small amount of kinetic energy in striking the match, but mostly you are releasing chemical potential energy. The match head just requires an increase in temperature to make it burn

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15y ago
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4mo ago

When you light a match, chemical potential energy stored in the match head is converted into thermal energy in the form of a flame through a chemical reaction called combustion. This thermal energy is then transferred to the surrounding air and materials, causing them to heat up.

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14y ago

When you first strike a match, there is activation energy in the form of heat which is formed through friction when the match head rubs against the matchbook. Once this energy is created, a chemical reaction takes place between the chemicals on the match head and the oxygen in the air. When this occurs, there is an exothermic chemical reaction in the form of both HEAT and LIGHT.

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8y ago

When you strike the match, you are converting mechanical energy to heat. Then as the light burns, you are changing chemical energy (from the intermolecular bonds in the match head) to heat and light energy (the flame).

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14y ago

it is a chemical change but the kind of energy created is heat and light

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10y ago




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12y ago

Thermal Energy.

Friction between the match and strike-board produces thermal energy. Heat energy causes chemical energy in the match to turn into thermal energy.

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13y ago

chemical -> light and heat

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9y ago

Thermal energy.

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3y ago

chemical energy

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Q: What energy is transfered when you light a match?
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Where does the energy come from to light a match?

Chemical energy, stored in the match.

Which energy is in a match head when you light the match?

Initially, chemical energy. This is converted mainly to heat, and some light.

Which energy stores increase when a match is lit?

When a match is lit, the chemical energy stored in the match head is converted into thermal energy (heat) and light energy. This causes an increase in the thermal energy and light energy stored in the surroundings.

What type of energy is a burning match?

A burning match produces thermal energy, in the form of heat and light, due to the combustion reaction of the match head with oxygen in the air.

What is the energy transformations in a striking match?

When a match is struck, mechanical energy from the friction between the match head and the striking surface is converted into thermal energy from the heat production that ignites the match head. This thermal energy is then transformed into light and heat energy as the match continues to burn.

Which energy transformation takes place in a match head when light the match?

The mechanical energy used to strike a match is transformed first to thermal energy. The thermal energy causes the particles in the match to release stored chemical energy, which is transformed to thermal energy and the electromagnetic energy you see as light.

Lighting a match changes chemical energy into heat and light The total amount of energy?

The total amount of energy remains constant, but it is transformed from chemical energy in the match head to thermal energy (heat) and electromagnetic energy (light) when the match is lit. This is an example of energy conservation in a closed system.

What happens to the chemical energy stored in a match when the match burns?

When a match burns, the chemical energy stored in the match head is converted into heat and light energy through a combustion reaction. This process releases energy in the form of heat and light, allowing the match to ignite and burn.

What are the energy transformations in striking a match?

When striking a match, the chemical energy stored in the match-head is transformed into heat and light energy.

Which energy transformation takes place in a match head when you light a match?

When you light a match, the energy transformation that occurs is chemical energy being converted into thermal energy (heat) through a combustion reaction. The heat generated is sufficient to ignite the match head, causing it to burn and produce light.

What type of energy transformation does burning match represents?

Burning a match represents a chemical energy transformation. The potential energy stored in the match's chemical bonds is converted into thermal energy, light, and sound energy when it is burned.