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every think but black and white tv

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3mo ago

An electron has a negative electrical charge.

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Q: What electrical charge does a eclectron have?
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What are discovered magnets?

they are the cwatam physics inside a eclectron

What kind of elicctcal charge do protons elictrons and nutrons have?

Protons carry a positive electrical charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons have no electrical charge (they are neutral).

Which particles in an atom have electrical charges?

The Electrons and the Protons.

What electrical charge does a neutron contain?

A neutron carries no electrical charge

What electrical charge do protons neutrons and electrons have?

Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have negative charge.Neutrons do not carry an electrical charge:)A proton has a positive charge. Remember, NEUTRon = NEUTRal. Proton = Positive. The electrical charge of a proton is 1.6x10^-19 which is equal and opposite to the electrical charge of an electron which is -1.6x10^-19.

What is a neutrons electric charge?

A neutron does not have an electrical charge. It is electrically neutral, hence its name.

Does any object have electrical charge?

Yes, some objects have an electrical charge.

An electrical charge is the result of the flow of?

An electrical charge is the result of the flow of electrons.

Difference between electrical current and electrical charge?

current is the flow of charge.

What is the electric charge of a neutron?

A neutron doesn't have an electrical charge; its electric charge is zero.

What kind of electrical do protons electrical charges and neutrons have?

Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have negative charge.Neutrons do not carry an electrical charge:)A proton has a positive charge. Remember, NEUTRon = NEUTRal. Proton = Positive. The electrical charge of a proton is 1.6x10^-19 which is equal and opposite to the electrical charge of an electron which is -1.6x10^-19.

What is the smallest electrical charge called?

The smallest electrical charge is called an electron.