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This phrase likely means that the candle flame was extinguished by a sudden burst of air or force, like a blast or shockwave. The concussion refers to a powerful shock or impact that put out the candle flame.

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Q: What does the candle is snuffed out by the concussion mean?
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When a feather lands on the floor does it produce a concussion?

No, a feather landing on the floor would not produce a concussion. A concussion is a type of brain injury caused by a sudden impact or trauma to the head. Feathers are light and not forceful enough to cause a concussion.

Which candle burns faster?

A parrafin candle, a beeswax candle, and a soy candle were burned at he same time. If you are lloking to buy a long lasting candle i suggest buying a parrafin candle( most candles are made from parrafin) Do not buy a bees wax candle they burn twice as fast as a regular candle

How many pounds of force it does it take to cause get a concussion?

It is not solely about the pounds of force, but the acceleration of the head that plays a significant role in causing a concussion. Concussions can occur from impacts as low as 70-120 Gs (gravitational forces). Any force that causes the brain to quickly accelerate and decelerate within the skull can result in a concussion.

The rate at witch a candle burns in millimeters per minute is called?

The rate at which a candle burns in millimeters per minute is called the candle's burn rate. This measurement quantifies how quickly the candle is consumed as it burns.

How does voltage come from a candle?

Voltage does not come from a candle. A candle produces light and heat through a chemical reaction when the candle wax is burned. Voltage is typically generated by batteries or power sources that convert energy from various sources into electrical potential.

Related questions

Why does the Schindler's List start out with a candle being snuffed out?

In this context the flame of the candle symbolizes life; the snuffing out symbolizes killing.

How do you know the person was snuffed on Mafia Wars?

there will be a message in your homepage when you were attacked and snuffed by someone. meanwhile when you are on the offensive side, when you snuffed an opponent the message will be "you took out an opponent" or when you were the one snuffed the message will be "you were snuffed" or "you were iced".

What do you do when a candle doesn't burn out in a spell?

Candles are a common component of many spells and rituals. If the candle is a spell candle with a specific single use, you should allow the entire candle to burn out on its own. If you must leave the area, place it somewhere safe and fire proof. I have left candles to burn out in the bathtub (no water in it) when I had to leave. If the candle is a spell candle, made with the expectation of relighting it, for example a seven-day prosperity spell, the candle is snuffed out, (do not blow it out) at the end of the allotted time of that segment of the spell. If the candle is part of a ritual, for example: the elemental candles used when calling a dismissing the elements (quarters, directions) then the candle may be snuffed out when you dismiss the elemental. If the candle is part of a ritual and used to invoke the deities then it should not be put out at the end of the ritual, but allowed to burn out on its own. In the case of large multi-use candles sometimes used for this purpose, you may snuff out the candle when you are dismantling the Altar after the ritual.

What is a candle snuffer used for?

A candle snuffer is an instrument used to safely put out a burning candle. It also prevents the candle's wick from drifting into the melted wax. It is usually a bell shaped device that you hold over a lit candle, preventing it from getting the oxygen it needs to remain lit.

You get pregnant if your boyfriend was in a car crash and has a mild concussion?

Do you mean , "can you get pregant if your boyfriend has mild concussion?" If that is what you mean then yes, of course, concussion makes no difference whatsoever to his ability to reproduce.

What is a synonym of concussion?

Collision, shaking, shock, and bump are words. Those mean concussion.

What are the ratings and certificates for Snuffed Out - 2002 V?

Snuffed Out - 2002 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

What does it mean when you cough up blood during a concussion?

It means you need to go to the hospital. You have more than a concussion!

Why doesn't Mafia Wars tell you who snuffed you get no name or picture?

the last mafia member who attacked you is the one who snuffed you.

Can you give a sentence with the word snuff?

The lamp was snuffed out.The hound tried to snuff the odor of the hare.He snuffed the inhaler.

What are the release dates for Snuffed Animals - 2007?

Snuffed Animals - 2007 was released on: USA: 20 April 2007 (limited)

what is mean by concussion in health?

A concussion is a bump large or small on someones head when they fall, get hit by an object very hard or when they get into an altercations and someone hit them with their fist.