Temperature measures how fast air particles are moving. Higher temperatures mean faster-moving particles, while lower temperatures mean slower-moving particles.
"Keep it moving" means to continue progressing or moving forward without stopping or getting distracted. It implies staying focused and not dwelling on obstacles or setbacks.
A moving object refers to an object in motion, changing position over time. This can include objects that are physically moving in the environment or concepts like moving animations on a screen.
The opposite of stationary is moving or in motion.
Immobile (though I don't quite understand what you mean by science word)
Touching your fists together in sign language typically means "fight" or "battle". It can represent a physical struggle or conflict.
I think its Ross that does that. I think its swearing or something.
when someone got angry, the would raise their fists in anger and end up hitting the ceiling No one knows for certain when this idiom was first used, but it can either mean hitting the roof with your fists, or being so angry that you jump up and your head hits the roof. The other phrase often heard is "go through the roof."
This action can be a sign of nervousness or anxiety. Scratching the wrist can indicate discomfort, while bumping fists together may be a way to release tension. Overall, the person may be feeling uneasy or stressed in that moment.
To beat up with the fists.
Ross developed that gesture to indicate a curse word so that he can indicate it to Monica without their parents finding out.
it means that they are converging
The noise made by a group of people clapping it mean that hitting their hands together.
Put two fists of sugar in the pan.
Hitting the side of your wrist together can refer to a gesture of agreement or understanding, similar to a fist bump or high five, often used in casual settings or sports to show camaraderie or support. It can also be a non-verbal way to communicate acknowledgement or solidarity with someone.
struck repeatedly, typically with the fists or criticized adversely