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Gravity and light are both fundamental forces in the universe. While light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that travels at the fastest speed possible in a vacuum, gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. Both gravity and light play crucial roles in the dynamics and behavior of celestial bodies and the structure of the universe.

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Q: What does gravity sound. and light have in common?
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What do gravity sounds light have in common?


Does energy exist without gravity?

Of course,energy forms like Light,sound do not have any connection with gravity.

What does light and sound have in common?

Both can be studied as waves.

Are light and sound affected by gravity?

Light is, sound is not. Light is an actual, physical thing - a photon, or 'packet of light' - which, although is massless, has energy and momentum. These are the true factors which influence gravitational fields - energy and momentum - not mass. Mass can be equated into its energy form by using E=mc2 , thus proving it has the requirements for a gravitational pull. Sound is a wave of pressure which travels through a medium. It is not a physical thing, it simply propagates through something as a vibration. Sound - the vibration itself - is not affected by gravity, but whatever it is travelling through will be, which can in turn pull the propagating sound waves towards the centre of gravity, and thus giving the illusion that the sound itself is affected by the gravitational pull.

What do sound and light have in common?

they both can be reflected sound would be reflected as an echo and light like when you flash a flash light at a mirror

Is gravity necessary to hear sound?

No, gravity is not necessary to hear sound. Sound can travel through different mediums, such as air or water, regardless of the presence of gravity. Gravity affects how sound waves travel through a medium but is not a requirement for sound to be heard.

What is a gravity light?

I don't think there is a scientific concept called "gravity light". There is gravity, and there is light. The two are not directly related.

When was Gravity of Light created?

Gravity of Light was created in 2010.

Can manipulating gravity be used for reaching lightspeed?

Most likely not. I say that because A). Gravity is not the limitation that makes it tough for us to reach light-speed, and B). There's no way to manipulate gravity. Other than that, it has the sound of a great idea.

What are the characteristic of light at zero gravity?

When there's no gravity, light just travels in one direction at the speed of light. Gravity bends the direction at which light travels.

What are two examples of things that are not matter?

Light and sound are two examples of things that are not matter. Both light and sound are forms of energy that do not have mass or occupy physical space.

Does sound effect gravity?

No, sound does not affect gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that acts between all objects with mass, while sound is a vibration that travels through a medium like air or water. Gravity operates independently of sound and is not influenced by sound waves.