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"Gravety" may be a misspelling of the word "gravity," which is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It is what keeps us grounded on Earth and governs the motion of celestial bodies in space.

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Q: What does gravety mean?
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how is water able to defy gravety?

Water appears to "defy" gravity when it is able to stay suspended in the air in the form of clouds, mist, or raindrops. This is due to the process of evaporation and condensation, which allows water molecules to gather and form clouds, and eventually fall back to the ground as precipitation due to the force of gravity.

Does the Earth have gravety foce?

Yes, the Earth has a gravitational force that pulls objects towards its center. This force is responsible for keeping objects, including people, animals, and structures, on the Earth's surface.

Does the force of gravity increase with increasing distance?

No, the force of gravity decreases with increasing distance. As objects move farther apart, the gravitational force between them weakens. This relationship follows an inverse square law, meaning that the force decreases rapidly as distance increases.

What does the word struck mean?

"Struck" is the past tense of the verb "strike," which can mean to hit, collide with, or make contact with forcefully. It can also mean to be affected by a particular situation or emotion.

What is the significance of Mean square distance?

Mean square distance is a statistical measure that provides information about the dispersion of data points from the mean. It is commonly used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and finance to quantify the variability of a dataset. A smaller mean square distance indicates that data points are closer to the mean, while a larger mean square distance suggests more variability in the data.

Related questions

What is gravety?

the attraction by the earth

Whats earths gravety?

frsgdfsgfdfsdsytdwwtwds frsgdfsgfdfsdsytdwwtwds

If you go in space you grow bigger?

True because there is know gravety holding you down

What factors can destroy your liver?

kinife, gun, RPG, energy sword, lightsaber, gravety hammer, jonny depp anything harmful

Is there gravity on Mars less earth?

Yes. The effects of gravety on Mars are less than on Earth. Mars has 37.6% of Earth's gravity.

Why moon don't have gravety?

The moon has plenty of gravity. In accordance with its mass and radius, any object weighs about 16.5% as much on the moon's surface as it does on the Earth's surface.

How do you unlock cosmo on sonic riders zero gravety?

sorry, you can`t unlock cosmo she`s in sonic x but she is not in any game and she can`t be unlocked sorry

What does the solar system do for the planets?

The planets are part of the makup of the solar system. I guess you could say the sun provides light for the planets and gravety that holds them to the solar system.

How do you pump out water from a lake up to 8 ft above adjacent agricultural Lands without power as Local Law does not allow windmills and Solar gadgets?

gravety flow

How would life be without gravety?

we would be floating and if someone would as high as they can, he would be going to space. And we need to hold on something to move, but if we don't hold on some thing we can't move.

How fast will gravety pull water?

Gravity has the exact same effect on water as it does any other substance. In "Earth-normal" gravity, it pulls with a force of approximately 9.8 Neutons per gram.

Why do all parts of the sun rotate at the same speed?

because the gravety is the same and it carrys all the mass from from the sun and is is so used to rataing with the sun it makes all the parts of the sun at the same past of speed. In fact, because it's gaseous, the Sun doesn't all rotate at the same speed.