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Changing velocity refers to a change in an object's speed and/or direction of motion. An increase in velocity means the object is speeding up, while a decrease means it is slowing down. The direction of the velocity vector also plays a crucial role in determining the overall motion of the object.

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Related questions

Why is acceleration zero with uniform velocity?

Uniform velocity means the velocity is not changing. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. If velocity isn't changing, the rate of change is zero.

What does constant velocity or acceleration mean?

Constant velocity means the object is moving in a straight line at a steady speed without changing direction. Constant acceleration means the object's velocity is changing at a constant rate over time.

How is constant velocity different from changing velocity?

"Constant" means that it doesn't change.

When does a particle in motion have non-uniform velocity?

That simply means that its velocity is changing.

What type of motion is occurring when the slope of a velocity vs. time graph is zero?

It means that the velocity is constant, or not changing.

If you are traveling around a curve at a constant speed of 30 km is the veiocity change?

Yes, the velocity is changing. Velocity is a quantity composed of the speed and the direction of motion. Constant velocity means: Constant speed, in a straight line. If the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing, even if the speed is constant.

Why achanging velocity cannot maintaining constant speed?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. If the velocity is changing, it means either the speed, direction, or both are changing. Therefore, if the velocity is changing, the object cannot maintain a constant speed.

How does velocity relate to velocity?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. When the velocity of an object changes, it means either the speed, direction, or both are changing. If velocity is constant, it means the object is moving at a steady speed in a straight line.

Does 0 acceleration means 0 velocity?

Not at all. Zero acceleration just means that the velocity is not changing ...the motion is in a straight line at a consgtant speed.

Which decides direction velocity or acceleration?

Acceleration determines the direction of velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes speed and direction, while acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. If an object is accelerating, its velocity is changing, which means its direction is also changing.

Is the rate of your velocity change your acceleration?

Yes, the rate of change of velocity is equal to acceleration. This means that if an object's velocity is changing, it is experiencing acceleration, either by speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction.

In uniform circulation motion is the velocity constant?

No. The direction keeps changing. Constant velocity means constant speed in a straight line.