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A skier at the top of a hill has potential energy due to their height above the ground. As they come down the hill, this potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, allowing them to slide down the slope thanks to gravity. The skier's speed will increase as they descend due to the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy.

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Q: What does a skier has a top of a hill and coming down a hill?
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What energy dose a skier has at the top of a hill and coming down a hill?

At the top of a hill, a skier has potential energy due to their position above the ground. As the skier comes down the hill, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the skier gains speed.

What energy does a skier has at the top of a hill and coming down a hill?

At the top of a hill, a skier has mostly potential energy due to their elevated position. As they ski down the hill, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as they gain speed.

What energy does a skierhas at topppof a hill and coming down a hill?

When skier is at the top of mountain he had kinetic energy which is further converted in to potential energy from the time when he start skiing from the top of the mountain.

What kind of energy does a skier have at the top of a hill?

A skier at the top of a hill has potential energy, which is the energy stored in an object due to its position or state. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the skier begins to move down the hill.

What kind of energy would a skier have at the top of a hill have more than a skier at the bottom of the hill?

A skier at the top of a hill would have more potential energy due to their elevated position compared to a skier at the bottom of the hill. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the skier descends the hill.

What kind of energy would a skier have if standing at the top of a hill?

A skier at the top of a hill would have potential energy due to their elevated position. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the skier moves downhill.

How does a skier gliding down a hill illustrate the conservation of energy?

At the top of the hill, the skier possesses potential energy. As he travels down the hill, his potential energy is converted into his kinetic energy. Conservation of energy says that the skiers potential energy equals his kinetic energy further downslope (plus a little lost to heat from friction).

What type of energy is a skier poised to take off at the top of a hill?

The skier at the top of the hill has potential energy, which is the energy an object has due to its position or state. As the skier moves downhill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, the energy of motion.

What is the energy acting on a skier at the top of the hill and ib the bottom?

Potential energy at the top and kinetic energy at the bottom.

What type of energy is A skier at the top of a mountain?

kinetic energy

Skiers are pulled up hill by a moving ski slope when they reach the top of the hill they ski down what type of energy do the skier gain as they go up hill?

Once the skiers go uphill by a cable car or lift, they gain potential energy. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy once the skiers start to ski down the slope.

A skier who has more blank energy than a skier at the bottom?

A skier at the top has more potential energy