Magdyno is a provider of modern permanent magnetic electromotive technology and power package custom solutions manufacturer to the Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) marketplace.
Premium magnetic brushless motors, custom engineered electric motors and power electronic controllers softgear applications and power system integration services for motor and controller manufacturing.
Technology Offer
Title: Efficient, high-performance electronic DC drives for light vehicles, on- and off-road vehicles, drive concepts, boats, compact gears for scooters, karts, quads, transport carts
Non-petrol engines almost always require a combination of batteries, hydrogen fuels and electric drives. A special patented design of a motor and a specific application-tuned controller developed by a Swiss company gives a very high power-to-weight ratio, supporting the transition to electronic drives in vehicles, or the change from petrol drives to electronic drives. The company is looking for partners interested in development and manufacturing of (light) electric vehicles.
A Canadian company is a leading company in the field of electric drive-trains and charger/battery applications for industrial and leisure applications. The company's founders started participating in electric vehicle were from the beginning involved in all areas of personal transportation. Electric drives have been their main focus and the know-how has steadily evolved into a reliable, economical and test-proven system. During the last years the company has successfully installed electric go-kart systems in Europe, Asia and America, with ongoing projects from floor-cleaning machines to electric sailplanes and boats.
The combination of motor and controller (with for example battery and charger, hydrogen fuel cell, etc.) is ideal for conversion of any kind of vehicle from petrol to electronic drives.
The company has the generic and holistic-know how to replace existing engines with EPS
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