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Depending on the type of print (if it is solid text or print or colored or gray print) you may see small, colored dots similar to what you might see if you look at a comic book. Printed material is printed in small dots that form the image or writing instead of it all being printed solid as it was with the old printing presses.

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1mo ago

When you look at a newspaper up close through a magnifying glass, you will see enlarged text and images, revealing more details and making it easier to read small print. The magnifying glass helps to magnify the individual elements of the newspaper, making them appear larger and clearer.

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Q: What do you see when you look at a newspaper up close through a magnifying glass?
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Why does letters of newspaper seem raised when looked through thick glass?

When you look at letters of a newspaper through thick glass, the phenomenon is known as "magnification." The glass acts as a lens, focusing and slightly enlarging the image of the text on the newspaper, making it appear raised. This effect is due to the bending of light rays as they pass through the glass.

Is Magnifying glass opaque or transparent or translucent?

A magnifying glass is typically made of glass and is transparent, allowing light to pass through it.

What is a magnifying glass made of?

the magnifying glass has a convex lens and it curves to magnify objects.

Does a magnifying glass reglect or refract?

A magnifying glass primarily refracts light. As light passes through the curved lens of a magnifying glass, it bends or refracts, focusing the light to create a magnified image.

Why does objects appear close in water?

because it acts like a magnifying glass

What should we use to see something close up?

A magnifying glass or a microscope.

How do you make fire with a magnifying glass?

Find a sunny spot, hold the magnifying glass at an angle to concentrate the sunlight into a small point on the tinder, and wait for the heat to create a spark and ignite the tinder. Continue focusing the sunlight until the tinder catches fire. Be cautious and have water nearby in case of emergencies.

Does a magnifying glass reflect or refract?

A magnifying glass refracts light. When light passes through the lens of a magnifying glass, it is bent or refracted, which causes objects to appear larger when viewed through the lens. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, like a mirror.

How does magnifying glass works?

A magnifying glass works by bending light that passes through it, focusing it to a specific point. This magnified light creates a larger, clearer image of an object when viewed through the lens. The lens of the magnifying glass is typically convex (curved outwards) to achieve this effect.

What tool has a convex lens?

A magnifying glass is a tool that has a convex lens. The convex shape of the lens allows it to magnify objects when they are viewed through it.

Water as a magnifying glass?

Water can act as a magnifying glass by bending light rays that pass through it, causing objects to appear larger or closer. This effect is similar to how a traditional magnifying glass works by refracting light to create a magnified image.

What is Used to make a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass is typically made with a convex lens, usually made of glass or plastic. The lens is specially shaped to magnify objects when viewed through it. The handle of the magnifying glass is usually made of plastic or metal for easy handling.