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When the end of a copper wire is held in the hottest part of a burner flame for a few seconds, the copper wire will likely change color to a bright green or bluish flame as it undergoes oxidation. This is due to the formation of copper oxide on the surface of the wire from the reaction with oxygen in the flame.

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Q: What do you observe when the end of the copper wire is held in the hottest part of the burner flame for about seconds?
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Pieces of metal are heated by varying amounts in a flame The hottest of the pieces will be the one that sHow is most prominently which color?

The hottest piece of metal will appear white or bluish-white in color. This is because as the temperature increases, the metal emits light in the visible spectrum, with higher temperatures corresponding to bluer colors.

How long would it take for sound impulse to travel through a copper rod 25 kilometer long?

The speed of sound in copper is about 3560 meters per second. To find the time it takes for a sound impulse to travel 25 kilometers through a copper rod, you can use the formula time = distance/speed. Plugging in the values, you get time = 25000 meters / 3560 m/s ≈ 7 seconds.

What happens when you put a penny in sprite?

When you put a penny in Sprite, you can observe a chemical reaction taking place due to the copper in the penny. The copper dissolves in the acidic environment of the Sprite, creating a greenish-blue solution on the surface of the penny. Over time, the penny may develop a tarnished appearance.

How can you tell what direction water is flowing through a copper pipe?

Water flows in the direction of the open end of the pipe. You can visually observe the flow of water or use a flow indicator to see the direction of movement inside the copper pipe. Another way is to feel for the movement of water by placing your hand near the pipe to sense the flow direction.

What is the same about a copper penny and a copper kettle?

Both a copper penny and a copper kettle are made of the same material, copper. Additionally, they both have similar reddish-brown color tones due to the copper content.

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When an iron pan is placed on a copper burner, heat energy is transferred from the burner to the pan through conduction. The copper burner transfers its thermal energy to the iron pan, causing it to heat up and eventually reach the same temperature as the burner.

How do you use a Bunsen burner to kindle the copper metal?

You open th Bunsen burner. Then you use a metal grabber to grab the copper metal and put it on top of the Bunsen burner's flame. Soon the cooper metal will be kindled.

Is copper in a Bunsen burner a physical or chemical change?

Using a Bunsen burner to heat copper is a physical change. The copper undergoes a change in its physical state from solid to liquid without changing its chemical composition.

When you heat copper sulphate with Bunsen burner?

Heating copper sulfate with a Bunsen burner will cause the compound to undergo a dehydration reaction, where it loses water molecules to form anhydrous copper sulfate. The characteristic blue color of the copper sulfate will change as it loses water molecules and turns white.

Is copper powder advisable to directly over the Bunsen burner?

No, it is not advisable to place copper powder directly over a Bunsen burner as it can lead to a rapid and uncontrolled reaction. Instead, it is recommended to use appropriate equipment and methods for heating copper powder safely.

What happens with a copper wire and a Bunsen burner equation?

When a copper wire is heated with a Bunsen burner, it undergoes oxidation as it reacts with oxygen in the air, forming copper(II) oxide (CuO) on its surface. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Cu + O2 -> 2CuO.

What happens to the particles in copper when heated by a Bunsen burner?

When copper is heated by a Bunsen burner, the particles gain energy and vibrate more rapidly. As the temperature increases, the particles may eventually gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them together, allowing the copper to melt and eventually evaporate into copper vapor.

Did the color of Copper ( ) sulfate change?

Yes, the color of copper sulfate changes from blue to white when it loses water molecules and turns into anhydrous copper sulfate.

How can a Bunsen burner burn the copper metal?

A Bunsen burner can burn copper metal by providing a flame with high enough temperature to heat the copper to its ignition point, initiating a chemical reaction between the copper and oxygen in the air that produces copper oxide and heat. The heat generated from the Bunsen burner sustains the reaction, allowing the copper to continue to burn until it is fully consumed.

Is it a physical change or a physical property that you observe when you observe the crushing of copper sulfate?

its a physical change call me at 9529753952

What is the value of a 1956 General Electric Calrod burner stove copper knobs?


How do you make a compound with copper and sulfur?

copper sulphate?heat together in an evaporating basin on a gauze above a Bunsen burner and stir maybe?