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Quantity of work refers to the amount or volume of tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed within a given period of time in a job. It represents the workload or output expected from an employee or a team in order to meet organizational objectives and goals. Monitoring and managing the quantity of work is essential for productivity and performance assessment.

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Q: What do you mean by quantity of work in relation to job?
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What do you mean of how is work going?

This question is asking for an update on how someone's work is progressing or how they are doing in terms of their job tasks and responsibilities.

What does work related mean?

Work related typically refers to something that is associated with or connected to one's job or employment. This could include tasks, activities, materials, environments, or relationships that pertain to the individual's work responsibilities.

Energy doing a job is called?

The energy used to do a job is called work. Work is a measure of the energy transferred when a force acts on an object and causes it to move a certain distance.

How does the amount of work done compare with the job requirements?

The amount of work done refers to the tasks completed by an individual, while job requirements outline the expected responsibilities and skills for a particular role. Comparing the two involves assessing whether the work completed aligns with the job requirements set by the organization. If the work done meets or exceeds the job requirements, the individual is likely performing satisfactorily; if there are gaps, it may indicate a need for further training or clarification on expectations.

The theory that suggests that distinctions between needs related to the work itself from those related to the context of the work is?

The theory that suggests distinctions between needs related to the work itself versus those related to the work context is called the Job Characteristics Theory. This theory posits that certain job characteristics can lead to intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction, independent of external factors. It emphasizes the importance of factors like skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback for job design.