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Sounds with very low vibrations per second are called infrasound. These low-frequency sounds are below the threshold of human hearing, typically below 20 Hz.

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Q: What do you call sounds with very low vibrations per second?
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Are vibrations in materials responsible for making different sounds?

Yes, vibrations in materials are responsible for making different sounds. When an object vibrates, it creates sound waves that travel through the air and reach our ears as sound. The frequency of the vibrations determines the pitch of the sound produced.

What is noise made by?

Noise is made by vibrations in the air. The more intense the vibrations the higher pitched the sound is. For example if something vibrated once in a second it would be very low pitch however if something vibrated one billion times a second it would be very high pitched.

What do you call a series of compressions and rarefactions that travel in medium?

A series of compressions and rarefactions that travel in a medium is called a sound wave. Sound waves carry auditory information through the vibrations of particles in the medium, such as air, water, or solids.

Why Doesn't Particles In A Rock visibly Vibrate?

The particles in a rock do vibrate, but these vibrations are very small and not visible to the naked eye. The atomic structure of rocks results in strong bonds between particles, which dampen the amplitude of their vibrations, making them less noticeable. At normal temperatures, the vibrations are on a very small scale, which is why we do not see them.

How do you call a pairing of electrons as they travel through a medium?

A pairing of electrons as they travel through a medium is called a Cooper pair. These pairs are formed at very low temperatures due to electron-electron interactions mediated by lattice vibrations (phonons), leading to superconductivity.

Related questions

Are vibrations in materials responsible for making different sounds?

Yes, vibrations in materials are responsible for making different sounds. When an object vibrates, it creates sound waves that travel through the air and reach our ears as sound. The frequency of the vibrations determines the pitch of the sound produced.

What does a cock sound?

they make sound which contain vibrations and have very high pitched voices which make sounds like cocok and others BY MICHAEL

What sound does cocks make?

they make sound which contain vibrations and have very high pitched voices which make sounds like cocok and others BY MICHAEL

What sound does a cock make?

they make sound which contain vibrations and have very high pitched voices which make sounds like cocok and others BY MICHAEL

What irritating sound is caused by irregular vibrations?

So-called "fast vibrations" cause "high pitched" sounds. Very fast vibrations cause very high pitched sound. Slow vibrations cause low pitched sound. You get the picture. The "speed" of vibrations relates to the frequency of the sound that is produced by them.

Why a throat microphone is best when it is very noisy?

Because it picks up vibrations directly from the person's voice-box - instead of receiving them through the air, where they mix with background sounds.

Two words in the second verse sounds very much like the sounds of actions they describe.what are these two words in how beautiful is the rain poem?


What makes a sound a sound?

Sound is vibration of (mostly air) molecules. Humans hear sounds from about 20 Hz (=20 vibrations per second, deepest bass) to about 20.000 Hz (20.000 vibrations per sec., very high sizzling) The vibration is tranmitted from the air to your ear and your brain interprets it as a sound. So actually YOU make a sound a sound :-)

What sounds do wolverines make?

they make sounds like something a bird or a dieing cat would make. They have a very distinct sounding call and it is used only for mating. :)

Is the mockingbird's own call is a shrill and annoying sounds is it true or false?

Yes they do have very shrill and annoying calls.

What is a short burst of music from a trumpet called?

if it sounds not very pretty, here we call it a "blat". i am in band, you know.

What is noise made by?

Noise is made by vibrations in the air. The more intense the vibrations the higher pitched the sound is. For example if something vibrated once in a second it would be very low pitch however if something vibrated one billion times a second it would be very high pitched.