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AC (alternating current) amplitude refers to the maximum variation of the current or voltage in an AC waveform from zero to its peak value. It represents the strength or intensity of the alternating waveform at any given time. The amplitude of an AC signal is important for determining the power and performance of electrical devices that use AC power.

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Q: What do they mean with AC by amplitude?
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Does amplitude mean louder?

Amplitude refers to the intensity or volume of a sound wave. A higher amplitude generally corresponds to a louder sound, while a lower amplitude corresponds to a quieter sound.

Does lower frequency mean more energy for amplitude?

No, lower frequency does not necessarily mean more energy for amplitude. The energy of a wave is determined by its amplitude, not its frequency. The amplitude of a wave is the height of its peaks and determines the intensity or energy of the wave.

What is a measure of a waves energy?

the amplitude of a wave shows how much energy it has eg, a smaller voltage ac supply on an oscilloscope would be much smaller than say a higher voltage such as main electrical pylons. if you mean waves at sea then i would presume it would have to be measured in joules as this the standard SI unit for energy.

What does the amplitude of a sound wave indicate?

The amplitude of a sound wave indicates the intensity or loudness of the sound. A larger amplitude corresponds to a louder sound, while a smaller amplitude corresponds to a softer sound.

A sound waves amplitude corresponds to the sounds what?

Usually, people are asking as if there is just "the" amplitude in sound waves in air. The loudness perception of a sound is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves − the higher the amplitude, the louder the sound. Which amplitude of sound (sound amplitude) do you mean? There are: amplitude of particle displacement ξ, or displacement amplitude amplitude of sound pressure p or pressure amplitude amplitude of sound particle velocity v, or particle velocity amplitude amplitude of pressure gradient Δ p, or pressure gradient amplitude. Furthermore, think of the amplitude of the oscillation of a string. The maximum magnitude of the deflection of a wave is called amplitude. Look at link: "What is an amplitude?"

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The instantaneous value of current in an AC circuit is represented by 150 sin 2π x 30t What are the amplitude and frequency of the AC wave?

The amplitude is 150; 30

Root-mean-square voltage in ac?

rms voltage will give the ability to predict how much work will be done by an ac voltage. the rms value of a pure sine wave is 0.707 times it's maximum amplitude.

What does it mean when a wave has a large amplitude?

Bigger the amplitude, bigger the wave.

Does amplitude mean louder?

Amplitude refers to the intensity or volume of a sound wave. A higher amplitude generally corresponds to a louder sound, while a lower amplitude corresponds to a quieter sound.

Does lower frequency mean more energy for amplitude?

No, lower frequency does not necessarily mean more energy for amplitude. The energy of a wave is determined by its amplitude, not its frequency. The amplitude of a wave is the height of its peaks and determines the intensity or energy of the wave.

What is a measure of a waves energy?

the amplitude of a wave shows how much energy it has eg, a smaller voltage ac supply on an oscilloscope would be much smaller than say a higher voltage such as main electrical pylons. if you mean waves at sea then i would presume it would have to be measured in joules as this the standard SI unit for energy.

What does a high amplitude mean in nerve conduction studies?

Amplitude is not that important. If anything the area under the curve would be more informative. A good amplitude does mean a good recording though.

What is the relation between amplitude and freq if a transmitter having frequency 500mhz what is the amplitude range if have any formula please tell me about that?

Actually the amplitude depends on your modulator by which you generated your signal you can pick any amplitude you want but here is the formula for frequency modulated signal: Ac here decide the amplitude of the signal and you can see that it is not related to the frequency component of your signal.

What does am mean in am radio?

Amplitude Modulation.

What is the mean of AM signal?

Amplitude Modulation

What does AM in AM Radio mean?

Amplitude Modulation

What does AM and FM mean?

am is amplitude modulation, fm, frequency modulation