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The outward force is the pressure generated by nuclear fusion in the star's core, which counteracts the inward force of gravity trying to compress the star. The balance between these forces determines the size and stability of the star. If the outward pressure exceeds the gravitational force, the star can maintain its size and stability.

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Q: What do the outward and inward forces acting on a star have to do with it's size?
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What are the forces acting in equilibrium within the sun?

In the Sun, the forces of gravity pulling inward are balanced by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion reactions in the core. This equilibrium maintains the Sun's stable size and temperature.

Why doesn't the sun and earth not collapse?

The Sun and Earth do not collapse due to a balance between two forces: gravity pulling inward and pressure pushing outward. The gravity from the Sun's mass pulls all the matter inward, while the pressure created by nuclear fusion at its core creates an outward force. This balance maintains the Sun's stable size and prevents it from collapsing.

Does a centrifuge fling things inward or outward?

A centrifuge flings things outward. The centrifugal force causes particles to move away from the center of rotation and settle at the periphery, separating substances based on density or size.

What does balanced and un balanced forces?

Balanced forces occur when two forces acting on an object are equal in size and opposite in direction, causing no change in the object's motion. Unbalanced forces occur when the two forces are unequal in size, causing the object to accelerate in the direction of the larger force.

Explain the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?

Balanced forces - when two forces acting on an object are equal in size but opposite in direction, they cancel each other out and the object remains stationary or continues moving at a constant speed. Unbalanced forces - when two forces acting on an object are unequal in size, the object will accelerate in the direction of the larger force.

Related questions

What are the forces acting in equilibrium within the sun?

In the Sun, the forces of gravity pulling inward are balanced by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion reactions in the core. This equilibrium maintains the Sun's stable size and temperature.

How does the sun keep its size and shape?

The sun maintains its size and shape through a balance of forces. Gravity pulls inward, trying to collapse it, while nuclear fusion at its core generates energy that pushes outward. These two opposing forces create an equilibrium that sustains the sun's size and shape.

Which best explains why the sun maintins its sixe and shape?

The sun maintains its size and shape due to a delicate balance between the inward force of gravity pulling matter inward and the outward force of nuclear fusion generating energy and pushing matter outward. This balance helps in maintaining the stability of the sun's size and shape over time.

Why doesn't the sun and earth not collapse?

The Sun and Earth do not collapse due to a balance between two forces: gravity pulling inward and pressure pushing outward. The gravity from the Sun's mass pulls all the matter inward, while the pressure created by nuclear fusion at its core creates an outward force. This balance maintains the Sun's stable size and prevents it from collapsing.

Does a centrifuge fling things inward or outward?

A centrifuge flings things outward. The centrifugal force causes particles to move away from the center of rotation and settle at the periphery, separating substances based on density or size.

Forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction are called unbalanced forces?

Actually, forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction are called balanced forces. Unbalanced forces are forces that are not equal in size and/or opposite in direction, resulting in a change in an object's motion.

What are Two forces that are not in size?

friction Also we can mention the forces acting on a sinking body in a liquid. The weight is more than the buoyant force

What does balanced and un balanced forces?

Balanced forces occur when two forces acting on an object are equal in size and opposite in direction, causing no change in the object's motion. Unbalanced forces occur when the two forces are unequal in size, causing the object to accelerate in the direction of the larger force.

Which best explains why the sun maintains its size and shape?

Pressure caused by high temperatures are balanced by gravity

Explain the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?

Balanced forces - when two forces acting on an object are equal in size but opposite in direction, they cancel each other out and the object remains stationary or continues moving at a constant speed. Unbalanced forces - when two forces acting on an object are unequal in size, the object will accelerate in the direction of the larger force.

What are balenced forces?

Balanced forces are two forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction, leading to no change in an object's motion. When balanced, the net force acting on the object is zero, causing it to remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity.

What is gravitational equilibrium?

Gravitational equilibrium is the balance between the inward force of gravity and the outward force of pressure in stars. This balance allows the star to maintain its size and shape without collapsing or expanding. In gravitational equilibrium, the force of gravity pulling inward is countered by the pressure pushing outward, resulting in a stable equilibrium state.