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Sound energy is in the form of a wave.

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Particles vibrate back and forth in a specific pattern when sound energy is formed. These vibrations create waves of pressure that propagate through a medium, such as air or water. The particles do not move along with the wave, but instead transfer the energy to neighboring particles.

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What is the difference between how light travels and how sound travels?

Both Light and Sound are different forms of energy. But light is formed of a particle called photon, whereas Sound is nothing but a mere force;it doesn't consist of any particles of its own.That is why Sounds needs a medium to travel and hard objects like wall,metal etc cannot stop it.The energy produced while making a sound passes through the particles of its medium, causing sensation which moves the particles of that medium parallel to the direction of the sound.Light is completely different from sound. It travels like a wave; these waves are caused by the perpendicular motion of the photons to its direction. Since light is formed of particles it cannot pass through the hard object like sound does.

Does sound energy need particles to travel through?

No, sound energy can travel through mediums like air, water, or solids, where it causes particles in the medium to vibrate and carry the sound wave. However, sound cannot propagate through a vacuum as it requires a medium to transmit its energy.

Does sound have particles?

Sound is a wave phenomenon caused by the vibration of molecules in a medium like air, water, or solid materials. It does not consist of particles like atoms or molecules. Instead, sound energy is transmitted through the medium by the successive collisions of molecules that pass vibrations from one to the next.

How is sound energy carried?

Sound energy is carried through vibrations in a medium, such as air, water, or solid objects. When an object vibrates, it causes the particles in the medium to move in a wave-like pattern, transmitting the sound energy from the source to our ears.

Sound waves are what waves?

Sound waves are mechanical waves that travel through a medium, such as air or water, as vibrations. They are produced by a vibrating source and carry energy through the medium by causing particles to compress and expand in a wave-like pattern.

How does energy move by means of a wave?

Energy in a wave is transferred through the vibration of particles or oscillation of a field. As the wave travels, it carries this energy from one point to another. The greater the amplitude of the wave, the more energy it carries.

How are the mechanical waves formed?

Mechanical waves are formed by the vibration of particles within a medium. When a force is applied to a medium, it causes particles to move and transfer energy to neighboring particles, creating a wave that propagates through the medium. These waves can be transverse, like ocean waves, or longitudinal, like sound waves.

How can energy transfer in a wave?

All waves can be thought of as mechanical waves, like sound waves. If there's an energy source at a point, the particles at that point will oscillate, meaning that they gain energy. These particles will bounce/collide with other particles in the surroundings, transferring this energy to them. In this way, the energy is carried away from the source and transferred somewhere else.

Who are vibrations waves and energy related to sound?

Vibrations are the back-and-forth motion of particles, which create sound waves when traveling through a medium like air. These sound waves carry energy that our ears perceive as sound. The pitch and volume of a sound are determined by the frequency and amplitude of the vibrations.

How does sound travel through fewer particles?

Sound can still travel through fewer particles because it propagates by causing the particles to vibrate and pass the energy along. Even in sparser mediums, such as in outer space, sound can still travel through the few particles present, but it may not propagate as effectively as in denser mediums like air or water.

How does the speed of sound depend on the medium?

you see. the denser the medium, the faster the sound travels. imagine a gas, particles are far apart transferring sound energy/waves will not be so fast. imagine a solid, like metal particles are close together, sound travels faster since it is transferred easily

Why is sound a form of kinetic energy?

Sound is a form of kinetic energy because it is created by the vibrations of particles in a medium, such as air or water. These vibrations transfer energy through the medium in the form of waves, which in turn cause the particles in the medium to move, thus exhibiting kinetic energy.