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Coal is still the largest energy supply for power stations, with natural gas in second place. Of course this does vary from one country to another, for example if hydro is widely available this will be used, as in Canada, and France uses mainly nuclear.

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Most power stations around the world use a combination of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and renewable sources (such as hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy) to generate electricity. The specific energy source used depends on factors like availability, cost, and environmental considerations.

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Q: What do most power stations around the world use as their source of energy to make electricity?
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How do HEP power stations work?

HEP power stations use the energy of flowing water to generate electricity. Water flow spins turbines connected to generators, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The amount of electricity produced depends on the flow rate and height of the water source.

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

The source of energy in a light bulb is electricity. When electricity flows through the filament in the bulb, it heats up and produces light.

What are the positive things about nuclear power stations?

Nuclear power stations produce energy with low greenhouse gas emissions, allowing for a cleaner energy source. They have a high energy density, meaning they can generate large amounts of electricity with relatively small amounts of fuel. Additionally, nuclear power provides a consistent and reliable source of electricity compared to some renewable energy sources.

Why were Nuclear Power Stations made?

Nuclear power stations were designed to generate electricity by harnessing the energy produced from nuclear fission reactions. They were developed to provide a reliable and sustainable source of energy that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

Where does most of your energy come from and how do you get energy from that source?

Most of my energy comes from electricity, which powers my systems. This electricity is typically derived from a power source such as a battery or a direct connection to a power outlet.

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Can gravity be used as a source of energy?

Absolutely. At hydroelectric stations, for example, the power of gravity is harnessed to produce electricity.

How do HEP power stations work?

HEP power stations use the energy of flowing water to generate electricity. Water flow spins turbines connected to generators, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The amount of electricity produced depends on the flow rate and height of the water source.

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noelectricity is a source of energy

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

The source of energy in a light bulb is electricity. When electricity flows through the filament in the bulb, it heats up and produces light.

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Printer get its energy from the electricity because it is run by electricity.

What are the positive things about nuclear power stations?

Nuclear power stations produce energy with low greenhouse gas emissions, allowing for a cleaner energy source. They have a high energy density, meaning they can generate large amounts of electricity with relatively small amounts of fuel. Additionally, nuclear power provides a consistent and reliable source of electricity compared to some renewable energy sources.

Why is hydro-electricity a clean source of energy?

Hydro-electricity is a clean source of energy. It is because energy is harnesses from flowing water. It does not cause pollution.

Why were Nuclear Power Stations made?

Nuclear power stations were designed to generate electricity by harnessing the energy produced from nuclear fission reactions. They were developed to provide a reliable and sustainable source of energy that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

What source of energy is electricity?

The sun

Is electricity a clean source of energy?

The term clean source of energy refers to only primary energy sources as wind or solar energy. Electricity, by definition, is not a primary energy source. It is a secondary energy source that is could be produced by a clean energy source as wind or any renewable primary energy source or produced by fossil energy source as oil, natural gas, or coal.

What is the energy source of speakers?

the enery source of speakers is electricity

What energy source is dug out of the ground and is burned to make electricity?

The energy source which Is dug out of the ground is called coal and is can be burnt to make electricity