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The solar wind is a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the Sun. It mostly consists of electrons and protons with energies usually between 10 and 100 keV. The stream of particles varies in temperature and speed over time. These particles can escape the Sun's gravity because of their high kinetic energy and the high temperature of the corona.

The solar wind creates the heliosphere, a vast bubble in the interstellar medium that surrounds the solar system. Other phenomena include geomagnetic storms that can knock out power grids on Earth, the aurorae (northern and southern lights), and the plasma tails of comets that always point away from the Sun.

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3mo ago

Charged particles from the sun that reach Earth's surface can produce various effects, such as the auroras (Northern and Southern Lights) when they interact with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. Additionally, they can also impact satellite communications and power grids on Earth, leading to disruptions in technology and infrastructure.

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Q: What do charged particles from the sun that get close to the earths surface produce?
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