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A student minute typically represents the distance a student can walk in one minute, which is roughly around 80-100 meters, depending on factors like walking speed and terrain.

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Q: What distance represented by a student minute?
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A light-year is the distance light travels in a year. "Student minute" is not a standard unit of length or distance; perhaps somebody used it to refer to how far a student walks in a minute. Please note that different students will walk at different speeds. If this is what was meant, then you have two different units of length defined as a speed multipled by a time.

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A light-minute is a unit of distance that represents the distance light travels in one minute, which is approximately 18.6 million kilometers.

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A light-minute is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one minute's time. The distance of a light-minute is 11,176,943.8 miles or 17,987,547.5 km

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How many minutes in one light minute?

A minute is a measurement of time. A light minute is a measurement of distance. it's the distance light would travel in one minute. (That's about 10 million miles!)

How many minutes is a light minute?

A light-minute is a measure of distance, not time. A light-minute is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one minute. Approximately 11,160,000 miles (18,000,000 km)

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How would you define a light-minute?

The distance light will travel, in a vacuum, in one minute.

What distance is represented by one second of latitude. 60 minutes for each degree?

one minute of latitude is approximately 1.15 miles (1.853 km). You can just divide that by 60 to get the distance for one second and multiply 60 to get 60 minutes.