

What did erwin schrodinger invented?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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Schroedinger was a theorist, not an inventor. To the best of my knowledge, he didn't "invent" anything.

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Erwin Schrödinger was an Austrian physicist who is best known for his development of wave mechanics in quantum theory, alongside Werner Heisenberg. Schrödinger's wave equation provides a mathematical description of how the quantum state of a physical system changes over time. His work was pivotal in shaping the field of quantum mechanics.

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Schrodinger did not actually have a cat. The "Schrodinger's cat" thought experiment was created by physicist Erwin Schrodinger to illustrate the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics.

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Erwin Schrodinger, the Austrian physicist, lived from August 12, 1887 to January 4, 1961. He passed away in Vienna, Austria at the age of 73.

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Erwin Schrödinger formulated the famous Schrödinger equation in 1926, which is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics describing how the quantum state of a physical system changes in time. In 1935, he proposed the thought experiment known as "Schrödinger's cat" to illustrate the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics.

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Vienna, Austria is where Erwin Schrodinger was born and where he died. In between, he lived for a while in Zurich, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany; Oxford, England; Graz, Austria; and Dublin, Ireland.

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