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Gravity needs no specific "devices". ANY mass in the Universe attracts ANY other mass. So, the only thing you need for gravity to work, is to have two objects that have mass - so basically, any two objects.

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Gravity does not depend on any specific devices to work. It is a natural force that exists between all objects with mass, causing them to be attracted to each other. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that operates on a universal scale.

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Q: What devices does gravity depend on to work?
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What are 3 machines or devices that depend on gravity to work?

Pendulum clock: The swinging motion of the pendulum relies on gravity to maintain a consistent rhythm. Waterwheel: Gravity pulls the water downward, causing it to turn the wheel and generate mechanical energy. Roller coaster: Gravity propels the cars along the track, as the potential energy at the highest point is converted into kinetic energy due to gravity pulling the cars downward.

What is powered by gravity?

Waterwheels, hydroelectric power plants, and falling weights are some examples of devices or systems that can be powered by gravity. Gravitational energy is harnessed to generate electricity or perform mechanical work in these cases.

What devices depend on gravity to work?

Devices like water clocks, barometers, and some types of scales depend on gravity to function properly. For example, a water clock relies on gravity to control the flow of water through a narrow opening, while a barometer uses gravity to measure air pressure. Scales rely on the force of gravity to accurately measure the weight of an object.

What are three machines that depend on gravity to work?

Three machines that depend on gravity to work are water clocks, water wheels, and roller coasters. Gravity plays a crucial role in powering these machines and enabling them to function effectively.

What devices are used to measure weight and mass and how do they work?

Devices such as scales and balances are commonly used to measure weight and mass. Scales work by measuring the force of gravity acting on an object, which is directly proportional to its mass. Balances work by comparing the weight of an unknown object to the weight of a known standard mass. Both devices provide a numerical value that represents the weight or mass of the object being measured.

Related questions

What are 3 machines or devices that depend on gravity to work?

Pendulum clock: The swinging motion of the pendulum relies on gravity to maintain a consistent rhythm. Waterwheel: Gravity pulls the water downward, causing it to turn the wheel and generate mechanical energy. Roller coaster: Gravity propels the cars along the track, as the potential energy at the highest point is converted into kinetic energy due to gravity pulling the cars downward.

Why fountain pens are not used in space?

Fountain pens rely on gravity to draw ink towards the nib, which wouldn't work in the microgravity environment of space. Additionally, ink cartridges in fountain pens can leak or explode due to pressure changes in space, making them unsuitable for use in that environment. Ballpoint pens or specialized space pens are commonly used instead.

What is powered by gravity?

Waterwheels, hydroelectric power plants, and falling weights are some examples of devices or systems that can be powered by gravity. Gravitational energy is harnessed to generate electricity or perform mechanical work in these cases.

What devices depend on gravity to work?

Devices like water clocks, barometers, and some types of scales depend on gravity to function properly. For example, a water clock relies on gravity to control the flow of water through a narrow opening, while a barometer uses gravity to measure air pressure. Scales rely on the force of gravity to accurately measure the weight of an object.

Does gravity depend on density?

Gravity does not depend on density. Gravity is the gravitational pull that is invisible and cannot be touched or changed. Density is how much matter is packed within an object, which can be changed. Gravity and density are two totally different things, and are in no way related, therefore gravity does not depend on density.

What are three machines that depend on gravity to work?

Three machines that depend on gravity to work are water clocks, water wheels, and roller coasters. Gravity plays a crucial role in powering these machines and enabling them to function effectively.

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What does strength of the force of gravity depend on?

on chet

How many devices can connect to a switch?

The number of devices you can link to a router will depend on the specific router,typically 4 devices can be connected.

What devices are used to measure weight and mass and how do they work?

Devices such as scales and balances are commonly used to measure weight and mass. Scales work by measuring the force of gravity acting on an object, which is directly proportional to its mass. Balances work by comparing the weight of an unknown object to the weight of a known standard mass. Both devices provide a numerical value that represents the weight or mass of the object being measured.

Does peristalsis work against gravity?

Yes, peristalsis will work against gravity.

Does the mass of the planet depend on how much gravity it has?

No. It is the other way around; gravity depends on mass.