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A microphone captures sound waves and converts them into electrical signals using a diaphragm or transducer. These electrical signals can then be processed and stored as recordings in various devices such as smartphones, voice recorders, or audio recording equipment.

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Q: What device captures sound waves and transforms then into mechanical energy to make recordings?
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What device transforms electrical energy into a mechanical energy?

An electric motor is a device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. It operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where the interaction between magnetic fields and electric currents causes the motor to generate mechanical motion.

What is a device that transforms mechanical energy to electrical energy?

A generator is a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate electricity when a conductor moves through a magnetic field.

What is a device that transforms electrical energy into movement or mechanical movement?

An electric motor is a device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical movement. It consists of coils of wire surrounded by a magnetic field that produces rotational or linear motion when current flows through the coils.

What is device that transforms thermal energy to mechanical energy?

A device that transforms thermal energy to mechanical energy is called a heat engine. Heat engines operate based on the principles of thermodynamics to convert heat into useful work. Common examples include steam engines and internal combustion engines.

What device converts mechanical energy to electrical energy?

A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works by rotating a coil of wire within a magnetic field, inducing a flow of electric current through the wire. This process is commonly used to generate electricity in power plants, wind turbines, and various other applications.

Related questions

What device captures sound waves and transforms them into mechanical energy to make recordings is it a phonograph?

Yes, a phonograph captures sound waves and transforms them into mechanical energy to make recordings. The earliest recording device of this type was invented by Thomas Edison.

What device captures sound wave and transforms them into mechanical energy to make recordings?


What device uses sound waves and transforms them into mechanical energy to make recordings?

Sound waves are transformed into mechanical energy to make recordings by the use of a phonograph. The earliest recording devices of this type were hollow cylinders with tiny holes in them.

What device transforms electrical energy into a mechanical energy?

An electric motor is a device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. It operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where the interaction between magnetic fields and electric currents causes the motor to generate mechanical motion.

What is a device that transforms mechanical energy to electrical energy?

A generator is a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate electricity when a conductor moves through a magnetic field.

What device transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy?

An electric motor, such as a starting motor

What is a device that transforms electrical energy into movement or mechanical movement?

An electric motor is a device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical movement. It consists of coils of wire surrounded by a magnetic field that produces rotational or linear motion when current flows through the coils.

What is device that transforms thermal energy to mechanical energy?

A device that transforms thermal energy to mechanical energy is called a heat engine. Heat engines operate based on the principles of thermodynamics to convert heat into useful work. Common examples include steam engines and internal combustion engines.

What device converts mechanical energy to electrical energy?

A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works by rotating a coil of wire within a magnetic field, inducing a flow of electric current through the wire. This process is commonly used to generate electricity in power plants, wind turbines, and various other applications.

Which device transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy and why a. generator b. motor c. transformer mass spectrometer d. d. mass spectrometer?

generators which convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and motors which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy

A device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy?

An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy by using electromagnetic fields to create rotational motion. This transformation allows the motor to power various machines and devices by converting electricity into physical work.

What is a device which transforms electrical energy to sound energy?

A loudspeaker