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A balloon filled with a gas will rise or sink depending on the density of the gas inside compared to the surrounding air. If the gas inside is less dense than the surrounding air, the balloon will rise. If the gas inside is more dense, the balloon will sink.

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Q: What determines if a balloon filled with a gas will rise or sink in the air?
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Helium will contract in cold weather, but that may not cause a balloon filled with it to sink since the air will also contract - and by about the same amount - so the relative densities of the helium and the surrounding are would remain about the same and the buoyancy of a helium filled balloon would remain

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Water is denser than oil, so yes, it will sink. That is true whether the water is inside a balloon or not.

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Balloons filled with air are denser than the surrounding air, causing them to sink. The weight of the balloon and the air inside it is greater than the buoyant force acting on them, resulting in the balloon sinking.

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A balloon filled with air will float on water because it is less dense than water. The buoyant force acting on the balloon allows it to float.

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If it is cooled its gets extremely cold from the helium,and when the heat is in the balloon it keeps it warm when its in the helium

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The density of water molecules is the same inside the balloon as on the outside.

How is the average density of a heluim balloon be changed to make it rise float at a constant level and sink?

To make a helium balloon float at a constant level, you can adjust the average density by either changing the amount of helium inside the balloon or changing the material of the balloon to alter its volume. To make it rise, decrease the average density of the balloon, and to make it sink, increase the average density.

Why don't normal balloons stay in the sky?

Normal balloons are filled with helium, which is lighter than the surrounding air. This causes the balloon to float in the air. However, over time the helium escapes from the balloon, making it lose buoyancy and eventually fall back to the ground.

Will a balloon filled with oxygen rise?

it blows up

What is the difference between having helium in a balloon and having air in a balloon?

Helium is lighter than air, so a balloon filled with helium will float. In contrast, air-filled balloons will sink because the density of air is greater than that of helium. Additionally, helium balloons will deflate faster than air-filled balloons due to its smaller molecular size.