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The percentage decrease quantifies how much a quantity reduces in relation to the original amount. It is calculated by dividing the decrease by the original amount and then multiplying by 100. This value provides a standardized measure to compare reductions of different quantities.

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Q: What describes how much a quantity decreases in comparison to the original amounts?
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How much a quantity decreases in comparison to the original?

The decrease in quantity is usually expressed as a percentage of the original quantity. This percentage is calculated by dividing the decrease by the original quantity and multiplying by 100. The result gives the percentage decrease relative to the original quantity.

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Price decreases while the quantity increases...i think!!!I am improving this answer because this guy's answer is wrong. If supply decreases while demand remains the same price will go up while quantity goes down.

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A. A quantity with direction only - This phrase describes speed as it is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction.

What you mean by measurement?

the comparison of unknown quantity against fixed with known quantity is called measurement.