The company that patented the invention James Dewar denied him credit for is Thermos LLC. Dewar's vacuum flask design was patented by Thermos in 1904, leading to the creation of the iconic Thermos flask. Dewar did not receive royalties or recognition for his contribution to the invention.
Nikola Tesla's contributions to the development of radio technology were theoretical rather than practical. He envisioned and patented the idea of transmitting information wirelessly using electromagnetic waves. However, it was other inventors like Guglielmo Marconi who built upon Tesla's concepts to develop the radio as we know it today. Tesla's patented technology eventually laid the groundwork for modern radio transmission.
The resistor was invented around the mid-19th century. Specific credit for the invention is often given to Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in the 1850s.
Nikola Tesla did not invent the radio. The invention of radio is credited to Guglielmo Marconi, who developed the first successful system for wireless telegraphy. Tesla did work on various wireless communication technologies, but his contributions were not directly related to the invention of the radio.
The company that patented the invention James Dewar denied him credit for is Thermos LLC. Dewar's vacuum flask design was patented by Thermos in 1904, leading to the creation of the iconic Thermos flask. Dewar did not receive royalties or recognition for his contribution to the invention.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) defines the reasons that are unacceptable for denying credit including the following: * Race * Color * Religion * National Origin * Sex * Marital Status * Age * Public Assistance Status * Age (must be over 18) Some acceptable reasons for denying credit include the following: * Poor credit history/score * Income is too low to service loan (after required spend) * Too many recent inquiries for credit * Debt load is already too high to acknowledge risk * Not enough of a credit history * etc.
The internet.
It is not known exactly who invented the wash board. There are some indications of its use being around as early as 1797. Despite this, the washboard was not patented until 1833 in the state of New York by Stephen Rust. Rust typically gets the credit for the invention.
Did Robert Jarvik get credit for his invention???Yes, in fact, a lot of people think Robert Jarvik got too much credit. He was actually working with a partner, but Jarvik did most of the inventing. Robert Jarvik is known worldwide, and saves lives with his inventions worldwide. Robert Jarvik did get credit for his invention of the artificial heart.
Unlawful discrimination in granting or denying credit includes discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or receipt of public assistance. Lenders are also prohibited from discriminating based on factors such as gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Credit Company manage it by way of evaluating there customer on how they will use it and spend it. Some credit company limits their credit so that user can limit also the way they will spend it.
credit to shareholder and debit to the company
It happens and can be disputed. Call you credit card company or credit agencies.
Stephen speckhart invented the pill capsules but his invention was stolen until he finally got credit for(his) invention