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An object will have the greatest gravitational potential energy when it has a large mass and is positioned far away from the center of the gravitational field, such as at a great height above the surface of the Earth. This combination of features results in a greater gravitational force acting on the object and allows for the potential energy to be maximized.

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Q: What combination of features will have the greatest gravitational potental energy?
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How do the mass and height of an object affect the gravitational potental energy?

The gravitational potential energy of an object increases with both its mass and height. As the mass of an object increases, so does its gravitational attraction to the Earth, resulting in higher potential energy. Similarly, as the height of an object increases, it has more gravitational potential energy due to being further from the Earth's surface.

What form of potential energy do gasoline and wood have in common?

Gasoline and wood both have chemical potential energy. This energy is stored in the bonds between atoms and molecules of the substances, which can be released through chemical reactions such as combustion.

How much energy does it take annually to produce homework?

The amount of energy required to produce homework varies depending on the type of homework and resources used. Generally, it involves electricity for computers, lights, and printers. Overall, the energy consumption for homework production annually is low compared to other activities.

What two properties does the amount of potental energy depend upon?

Weight and height. The potential energy of an object is its weight times its height. The potential energy is turned into kinetic energy as the object is dropped. Potential energy is weight times height, kinetic energy is one half mass times velocity-squared. Mgh = ½ M V^2 To reach a speed of 10 m/s this equation can be solved to show that the object must be dropped through a height of 5.1 metres.

What are the energy transformations in a rubberband car?

When you wind up a rubber band car, you are storing potential energy in the stretched rubber band. As you release the rubber band, this potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the rubber band contracts and the car moves forward. The kinetic energy is then transferred into mechanical energy as the wheels of the car turn and propel it forward.

Related questions

How do the mass and height of an object affect the gravitational potental energy?

The gravitational potential energy of an object increases with both its mass and height. As the mass of an object increases, so does its gravitational attraction to the Earth, resulting in higher potential energy. Similarly, as the height of an object increases, it has more gravitational potential energy due to being further from the Earth's surface.

When does potental energy have the most energy?

For example, in the case of gravitational potential energy, the formula is PE = mgh (the product of mass, gravity, height). Increase any of the three, and potential energy will increase.

What is the classification of drugs?

In the us they are classed by schedules schedule 1 High potental for abuse no medicinal value schedule 2 HIgh Potental for abuse has Medicinal uses so on and so on

What can be asked when a potential employer checks reference?

Answer A potental employer can ask any questions they deem fit

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Three biological warfare agents that are bacteria are: Anthrax Plague Tularemia

What is the motto of William Dunbar Public School?

The motto of William Dunbar Public School is 'Striving Together to Reach Our Potental'.

What energy is potentaill energy?

Energy due to position - energy that results from work done against a conservative force. The best-known example is gravitational potential energy: when an object is high, it has more energy than when it is low. Another example is a spring - when it is stretched (or compressed) it has more energy than when it is not.

What is Draculas favorite food?

There are several potental favorites:Grave-yNeck -tarinesBloody MarysBlood orangesBlood pudding

Now that the New York Islanders have three potental starting goalies in what order do you think is going to be the starter who would be the back-up and who would be the thirdstring?

I think if Diepitro if he is healthy has to be first, followed by Biron, and then Roloson.

Does credit plus offer credit scores?

"Yes, Credit Plus offers credit scores, and more, to lenders, landlords, and employers. It gives business options on what information and how much infomation they need to determine the creditworthiness of potental clients."

How much money does a digital cable dispatcher earn?

I am a cable dispatcher and have been for over 2 years. Mind you i work for a contracting company and not the cable company themselves. When i first started i was making 10$ an hour, now i make 12$. The larger company you work for, the more earning potental you have.

What is the height of the General Sherman?

general sherman had a height of 275 feet and could of grown taller but it lost the top of itself to a lightning strike, like most giant sequias that have the potental to reach the height of the close relative the redwood themn they would be the biggest and the tallest trees in the wor;lds