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A white shirt will appear green under a green disco light because objects reflect the light projected onto them. Since the shirt is white, it will reflect the green light predominantly, giving it a green appearance.

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Q: What colour will a white shirt appear in a green disco light?
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What colour will my white shirt appear in green disco light?

Your white shirt will likely appear to have a green hue under a green disco light due to the way different colors interact with each other in different lighting conditions.

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The red cricket ball will appear black when viewed under green light because red objects absorb green light, which makes them appear dark or black in that light.

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Red writing appears dark or black in green light because red is the opposite colour of green on the colour wheel. When red light reflects off a surface illuminated by green light, the red wavelengths are absorbed by the green light, resulting in a darker appearance.

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To make green appear black, shine red light on it. Green absorbs red light, so when red light is shone on green, the green will appear black.

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white shoes appear white because it reflects all 7 colours of white light when fallen on to it.Therefore if only yellow light is fallen on to this object it would give out light rays which are yellow in colour . so shoes would appear yellow.

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The green object will appear black because it will not reflect any of the blue light shone on it. Green objects primarily absorb blue light, so without any green or red light present, the object will appear dark.

What color does a green leaf appear to be in red light and why?

It appears black. A green pigment can only reflect green light and red light is a primary colour, that is it contains only red.

What color does a green leaf appear to be in a red light Why?

It appears black. A green pigment can only reflect green light and red light is a primary colour, that is it contains only red.

What colour will an object appear to be if it is absorbing green light and reflecting red and blue light?

The object will appear to be magenta because it reflects red light (which corresponds to the magenta color) and blue light, while absorbing green light.

Which colours usually appear on a disco light?

There are a wide variety of disco lights available. These tend to be the primary light colors, such as red, green and blue. They also can feature yellow instead of green, and any mixture of these 3 or 4 colors can make a variety of other colors.