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A black ball would appear black in red light because black objects absorb all colors of light and do not reflect any. Therefore, in red light, the black ball will not reflect any light and will appear black.

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Q: What color would a black ball look In red light?
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What color would a cyan ball appear to only green light?

A cyan ball would appear dark or dim under green light because cyan is composed of blue and green light, so without the blue light component, the ball would only reflect the green light, resulting in a darker appearance.

What colour would a red ball be in blue light?

A red ball would appear black in blue light because red objects absorb blue light and reflect little to no light of that wavelength. This causes the red object to not reflect any light back to our eyes, leading us to perceive it as black in blue light.

Why does a red ball look black under a blue light?

The ball itself doesn't actually have a color. It simply has got the ability to reflect Red light, and we see it as having a red color. Light is buildt up by different wavelengts of light known as colors. All colors together form a warm white light. You can see the different colors of the sunlight if you use a prism. In any case, if you use only a blue light, Only the wavelength for blue, then the ball will appear Black because Blue does not have any Red in it. The Ball can not reflect red light if there is no red light to reflect :-)

What colour does a black ball look ina red light?

Why is it called a "black" ball in the first place ? Most likely because it absorbsany light that hits it, regardless of color, and nothing ever bounces off of it.That reasoning gives you your answer right there: You can shine red light on it ...or green or purple or fuschia, mauve, burgundy, teale or turquoise ... and it'll stilllook black.

If a red cricket ball is viewed in green light What colour will it appear to be?

The red cricket ball will appear black when viewed under green light because red objects absorb green light, which makes them appear dark or black in that light.

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What color would a cyan ball appear to only green light?

A cyan ball would appear dark or dim under green light because cyan is composed of blue and green light, so without the blue light component, the ball would only reflect the green light, resulting in a darker appearance.

What colour would a red ball be in blue light?

A red ball would appear black in blue light because red objects absorb blue light and reflect little to no light of that wavelength. This causes the red object to not reflect any light back to our eyes, leading us to perceive it as black in blue light.

How light affect color and how color affect light?

Color and light are the same thing A color is a spesific wavelength of light. All the colors together makes white light. A red ball reflect "only" the red wavelength of the light, thereby appearing red. If you shine on it with a blue light and blue light only, the ball will appear Black, simply because there is no Red light to reflect.

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How do color and light affect each other?

Color and light interact through a process called reflection. Different colors are produced when light reflects off an object's surface. The color we perceive is determined by which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are reflected. Light also affects the perceived brightness and saturation of colors.

Why does a red ball look black under a blue light?

The ball itself doesn't actually have a color. It simply has got the ability to reflect Red light, and we see it as having a red color. Light is buildt up by different wavelengts of light known as colors. All colors together form a warm white light. You can see the different colors of the sunlight if you use a prism. In any case, if you use only a blue light, Only the wavelength for blue, then the ball will appear Black because Blue does not have any Red in it. The Ball can not reflect red light if there is no red light to reflect :-)

What colour does a black ball look ina red light?

Why is it called a "black" ball in the first place ? Most likely because it absorbsany light that hits it, regardless of color, and nothing ever bounces off of it.That reasoning gives you your answer right there: You can shine red light on it ...or green or purple or fuschia, mauve, burgundy, teale or turquoise ... and it'll stilllook black.

If a red cricket ball is viewed in green light What colour will it appear to be?

The red cricket ball will appear black when viewed under green light because red objects absorb green light, which makes them appear dark or black in that light.

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If you see a red ball what color of light enters your eye from the ball and what colors does the ball reflect and what color does the ball absorb?

The red ball reflects red light and absorbs all other colors of light. When you see the ball, it is because red light is being reflected off the surface of the ball and entering your eye.