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Bananas appear yellow because they reflect yellow wavelengths of light and absorb other colors, such as blue and green. This absorption and reflection of certain wavelengths create the perception of yellow color in bananas.

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Q: What color waves are reflected and which are absorbed in a banana?
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What Light waves can be absorbed reflected or transmitted when they strike an object?

Depending on the material and its properties, light waves can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted when they strike an object. The specific outcome is determined by factors such as the object's color, texture, density, and transparency.

When an object is in the sunlight why do you see its color?

When an object is in sunlight, it reflects some of the light that hits it. The color we see is the result of the reflected light waves. Different colors are absorbed by the object, and the color we see is the light waves that are reflected back to our eyes.

What do waves and light do when they strike a surface?

When waves and light strike a surface, they can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. Reflection occurs when the waves bounce off the surface, absorption happens when the waves are taken in by the material, and transmission is when the waves pass through the surface.

When light waves strike a red object what happens to the light waves of all colors except red?

When light waves strike a red object, the object absorbs all colors except red. The red wavelengths are reflected off the object and into our eyes, which is why we perceive the object as red. This absorption and reflection process is what gives objects their color.

Can sound be transmitted reflected or absorbed by materials?

Yes, sound can be transmitted, reflected, or absorbed by materials. When sound waves encounter a material, they can pass through it (transmitted), bounce off it (reflected), or be partially or completely dampened (absorbed) depending on the properties of the material. Soundproofing materials are designed to absorb sound waves to reduce noise.

Related questions

What Light waves can be absorbed reflected or transmitted when they strike an object?

Depending on the material and its properties, light waves can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted when they strike an object. The specific outcome is determined by factors such as the object's color, texture, density, and transparency.

What do waves and light do when they strike a surface?

When waves and light strike a surface, they can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. Reflection occurs when the waves bounce off the surface, absorption happens when the waves are taken in by the material, and transmission is when the waves pass through the surface.

When an object is in the sunlight why do you see its color?

When an object is in sunlight, it reflects some of the light that hits it. The color we see is the result of the reflected light waves. Different colors are absorbed by the object, and the color we see is the light waves that are reflected back to our eyes.

When light waves strike a red object what happens to the light waves of all colors except red?

When light waves strike a red object, the object absorbs all colors except red. The red wavelengths are reflected off the object and into our eyes, which is why we perceive the object as red. This absorption and reflection process is what gives objects their color.

Can sound be transmitted reflected or absorbed by materials?

Yes, sound can be transmitted, reflected, or absorbed by materials. When sound waves encounter a material, they can pass through it (transmitted), bounce off it (reflected), or be partially or completely dampened (absorbed) depending on the properties of the material. Soundproofing materials are designed to absorb sound waves to reduce noise.

How waves behave when they interact with objects?

When waves interact with objects, they can be reflected, absorbed, refracted, diffracted, or transmitted. The specific behavior depends on the type of wave and the properties of the object. For example, light waves can be reflected off a mirror, sound waves can be absorbed by a soft surface, and water waves can be diffracted around obstacles.

What happens to waves trhat are not reflected back?

Waves that are not reflected are absorbed by whatever they hit. The energy they carried ends up slightly raising the temperature of whatever absorbs them.

What process of light striking an object and bouncing off?

The process you are referring to is called reflection. When light waves hit an object, some of the waves are absorbed and others bounce off the surface. These reflected waves determine the color and brightness of the object that we perceive.

What happens to light when its strikes an object?

The light waves can be reflected, absorbed, they can pass the object or be refracted.,

Why do you see the colors you see?

You are seeing the color that the object does not absorb. It is reflecting for that color. For example, a red flower absorbs all color waves except those at the frequency of red. So in short, some light is absorbed and some is reflected

What is reflected wavelengths?

Reflected wavelengths refer to the light waves that bounce off a surface instead of being absorbed or transmitted through it. The color we perceive is a result of the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes. Different surfaces reflect light in different ways, influencing the colors we see.

What is it about reflected light waves that enables us to see different colors?

Reflected light waves appear as different colors to us because of their varying wavelengths. When light hits an object, some wavelengths are absorbed while others are reflected. The color we see is determined by the wavelengths that are reflected back to our eyes.