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Blue light is absorbed the fastest in photosynthesis, as it has the most optimal energy level for driving the process of photosynthesis. Additionally, red light is also absorbed efficiently in photosynthesis.

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Q: What color in the light spectrum is absorbed fastest in photosyntheis?
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What color vibrates fastest?

The color that vibrates the fastest in the visible spectrum is violet, which has the shortest wavelength.

What color of the spectrum are absorbed in plants?

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The fastest color in the rainbow is blue, as it has the shortest wavelength among the visible colors of the spectrum.

Is Black comprised of every color in the spectrum?

No, black is the absence of color. It is created when all colors are absorbed and none are reflected.

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At 700 nm, red light is being absorbed. This wavelength corresponds to the red end of the visible light spectrum.

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Green light is not absorbed by plants well. Instead, plants mostly absorb blue and red light for photosynthesis.

What is meant by the absorption spectrum of a pigment?

The absorption spectrum of a pigment refers to the range of wavelengths of light that the pigment can absorb. It is typically represented graphically with absorption peaks indicating which wavelengths of light are absorbed most strongly by the pigment. The absorption spectrum is important in understanding the color of the pigment because the color we see is determined by the wavelengths of light that are not absorbed but reflected or transmitted.

What do the pigments in leaves do for photosynthesis?

The pigments do nothing, leaf color is just the part of the light spectrum that isn't absorbed, but reflected.

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Gold absorbs and reflects certain wavelengths of light, resulting in its characteristic yellow color. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than yellow light, causing it to be absorbed rather than reflected by gold. This is why gold appears yellow and does not reflect the color blue.

What color light is absorbed by the spectrophotometer?

The color of light absorbed by a spectrophotometer depends on the specific wavelength being measured by the instrument. Spectrophotometers can detect a wide range of colors across the electromagnetic spectrum, from ultraviolet to visible to infrared light. The absorbed color corresponds to the specific wavelength of light being targeted in the analysis.

Why does a red dress look red?

Because all of the other colors in the spectrum are absorbed into the fabric, and red is the only color that is reflected.

When was The Color Spectrum created?

The Color Spectrum was created in 2010.