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1mo ago

Blue fire is hotter than red fire, with blue flames reaching temperatures around 3000 degrees Fahrenheit compared to red flames which typically burn around 1000-2000 degrees Fahrenheit. The color of a flame is determined by the temperature and the substances being burned.

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Q: What color fire is the hottest red or blue?
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Is the hottest fire is red in color?

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Is blue fire hotter then red fire?

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What is the order of color of a fire from hottest to coldest?

The order of colors in a fire from hottest to coldest is blue, white, yellow, orange, and red. Blue flames are typically the hottest, followed by white, with yellow, orange, and red being cooler in temperature.

What flame color is the hottest and what flame color is the coldest?

blue is the hottest and red is the coldest

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The hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red because blue is the color made by hotter burning things and red is the colest burning color.

What color are the hottest and the coldest stars?

The hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red because blue is the color made by hotter burning things and red is the colest burning color.

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The coolest star is red; then yellow; then blue. Like on a fire, the bottom of the fire is really hot so its blue. In the middle of a fire, its mostly yellow. Then, on top, it has a little flame of red. :p

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The hottest is blue-white and the coolest is dark red.

Is the hottest star the red star?

Ironically the blue stars are the hottest considering blue is usually a "cool" color.

How are color and temperature relateted?

Blue = Hottest Red = Coolest.