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First class lever

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

A carjack is a class 2 lever because the load (the car being lifted) is between the effort (the force applied to the handle) and the fulcrum (the contact point with the ground).

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βˆ™ 11y ago

acarjack is a first class lever

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βˆ™ 4y ago

3 class

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Q: What class of lever is a carjack?
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How does a carjack makes work easier?

This isn't that kind of carjack that you guys think it is, it a kind of tool for a car. It makes work easier because you can use it as a lever. You can use it as any kind of lever, a first class lever, a second class lever, ora third class lever. It works better as a third class lever. It works better as a third class lever because your using less work. Less work is being done with a third class lever because of he distance. The more the distance, the less force you need. Also, the more the distance, the less heavier it is.

What is something that looks like a lever in a garage?

A carjack.

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Class 1 lever

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The Class Lever for Pliers is a class 2 lever.

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Class 3 Lever! You Don't even know that!

Is a broom a class1 lever or a class 2 lever or a class 3 lever?

class 3

What class lever is a screwdriver opening a paint can?

It is a third class lever.

Is a catapult a 1 class lever?

no. a catapult is a class-3-lever not a class-1-lever.

Is a crane a class 1 lever or a class 2 lever or a class 3 lever?

A crane is a first class lever when it is winching in or out the rope attached to a load. The crane becomes 3rd class lever when it's boom is luffing, i.e. it is being lowererd or raised.

Is a test tube holder a class 1 lever or class 2 lever or class 3 lever?

Class 1.