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The compass needle can oscillate due to external magnetic fields interfering with the Earth's magnetic field, nearby electronic devices such as mobile phones or speakers, or metal objects in close proximity. These external influences can cause the compass needle to fluctuate and give inaccurate readings.

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Q: What causes the compass to oscillate?
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The part of speech for oscillate is verb.

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When a metal object is brought near a compass, it can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field around the compass. This disruption causes the compass needle to align itself with the new magnetic field created by the metal object, resulting in a change in direction.

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The word "oscillate" in everyday speech means to go back and forth, either physically or mentally. An example of a sentence using the word "oscillate" is "My new job is great, but I have to oscillate between New York and Los Angeles at least once a week. "

How does a compass have magnetic energy?

A compass has a magnetized needle that aligns with Earth's magnetic field, which causes it to point towards the magnetic North Pole. The magnetic energy within the compass needle allows it to maintain this alignment and provide a reliable reference for determining direction.

Which one mineral causes a compass needle to turn away from North?

Iron is the mineral that causes a compass needle to turn away from North because it disrupts the Earth's magnetic field. The iron in the mineral is attracted to the Earth's magnetic field, causing the needle to align with it.

How do you show that electric current causes magnetism?

Put a wire carrying an electric current near a compass and it causes the needle to deflect.

Does the output of a monostable multivibrator oscillate?

No, the output of monostable multivibrator does not oscillate. As it has only one stable output we do not get oscillations. We get a square wave as output.