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It can't be caused. A good conductor is something like a metal, the best conductor of heat is gold. If you have ever touched metal that has been in the sun, it's really hot because it is a good conductor of heat. A bad conductor is something like wood because it doesn't get hot. We can't tell it wood has been in the sun for a while.

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4mo ago

A material is a conductor if it allows the flow of electrical current through it easily. This is because conductors have loosely bound electrons that can move freely in response to an electric field. Metals are good conductors due to their abundance of free electrons.

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What it meant by good conductor?

.Something that carries something better than average. For example, copper is a good conductor of electricity. Iron is a good conductor of heat.

What is a conductor in science material terms?

It could be a conductor of electricity. Something that lets something pass through it. I think this is it. I !!

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Yes. The strength of the magnetic field surrounding a conductor is proportional to the magnitude of the current in the conductor.

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The opposite of a conductor (conducts electric flow) is a non-conductor, or something that opposes the flow, which would be an insulator.

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It is a conductor. Most keys are made of metal, and Metal is one of the best conductors in existence. A conductor being something that accepts electricity, such as a copper wire, and an insulator something that doesn't let it through, such as rubber.

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Something that transfers thermal energy efficiently is called a conductor.

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You can test if something is an insulator or conductor by connecting a circuit with a power source and a light bulb. If the material allows the light bulb to turn on, it is a conductor. If the light bulb does not turn on, it is an insulator.

Is heat a conductor?

No, it is not. Heat is something that gets conducted, not a conductor. Heat transfers through objects and mediums so no it is not.

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A non conductor is something that cannot conduct electricity or an electrical charge