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Little bits of other magnet.

Iron filings - the small pieces of metal will floow the magnetic field lines.

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You can use iron filings placed on a piece of paper above the magnet to visualize the magnetic field lines. The iron filings will align along the magnetic field lines, making them visible. Alternatively, a magnetic viewing film can also be used to show the magnetic field of a magnet.

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Q: What can you use to show the magnetic field of a magnet for people to see?
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How can you show a magnetic field around a magnet?

You can show the magnetic field around a magnet by using iron filings. Sprinkle the iron filings on a piece of paper or a glass surface placed over the magnet. The iron filings will align along the magnetic field lines, making the field visible.

What three features do magnetic field lines show?

Magnetic field lines show the direction of the magnetic field, the magnitude of the magnetic field (closeness of the lines), and the shape of the magnetic field around a magnet or current-carrying wire.

What causes the magnetic compass to react with a magnet?

A magnetic compass reacts to a magnet because it aligns itself with the magnetic field produced by the magnet. The compass needle is itself a small magnet, and it will point towards the stronger magnetic field of the external magnet.

What are magnetic field lines and how do they show the strength of a magnet?

Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines that show the direction of the magnetic field around a magnet. The density of the field lines indicates the strength of the magnet, with closer spacing denoting stronger magnetic fields. The direction of the field lines shows the direction a north pole of a compass needle would point in the presence of the magnet.

Which is used to show the magnetic lines of force?

A magnetic compass or iron filings can be used to show the magnetic lines of force. When a compass is placed near a magnet, the needle aligns along the magnetic field lines, indicating their direction. Iron filings sprinkled near a magnet will also align along the magnetic field lines, providing a visual representation of the magnetic field.

Related questions

How can you show a magnetic field around a magnet?

You can show the magnetic field around a magnet by using iron filings. Sprinkle the iron filings on a piece of paper or a glass surface placed over the magnet. The iron filings will align along the magnetic field lines, making the field visible.

What three features do magnetic field lines show?

Magnetic field lines show the direction of the magnetic field, the magnitude of the magnetic field (closeness of the lines), and the shape of the magnetic field around a magnet or current-carrying wire.

What is A pattern around a magnet that sHow is its force?

The pattern around a magnet is called a magnetic field. The force of a magnetic field is strongest near the magnet and decreases with distance from the magnet. The force is also influenced by the orientation of the magnet and the material it is interacting with.

What causes the magnetic compass to react with a magnet?

A magnetic compass reacts to a magnet because it aligns itself with the magnetic field produced by the magnet. The compass needle is itself a small magnet, and it will point towards the stronger magnetic field of the external magnet.

What are magnetic field lines and how do they show the strength of a magnet?

Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines that show the direction of the magnetic field around a magnet. The density of the field lines indicates the strength of the magnet, with closer spacing denoting stronger magnetic fields. The direction of the field lines shows the direction a north pole of a compass needle would point in the presence of the magnet.

Which is used to show the magnetic lines of force?

A magnetic compass or iron filings can be used to show the magnetic lines of force. When a compass is placed near a magnet, the needle aligns along the magnetic field lines, indicating their direction. Iron filings sprinkled near a magnet will also align along the magnetic field lines, providing a visual representation of the magnetic field.

What causes the magnet compass to react with a magnet?

a compass works by detecting the earths magnetic field. a magnet also has amagnetic field just not as big so the compass needle points at the magnet ratherthan towards north.Another AnswerThe compass needle is a small bar magnet balanced on a pin. It swivels freely on this balance point. This is how it can align with the magnetic field of the Earth to show what direction magnetic north is. When you introduce another magnetic field, like from a magnet in close proximity, the needle will align with these local fields since their field strength is stronger than Earth's magnetic field - locally.

All of the lines of force around a magnet?

These are known as magnetic field lines, which show the direction and strength of the magnetic field. They form loops around the magnet, moving from the north pole to the south pole outside the magnet and from the south pole to the north pole inside the magnet.

Why compass react when place near a magnet?

A compass needle aligns with the Earth's magnetic field due to its own magnetic properties. When placed near a magnet, the strong magnetic field coming from the magnet can influence the compass needle, causing it to orient itself towards the magnet instead of pointing to the north. This happens because opposite magnetic poles attract each other.

How will you experimentally show that there are two regions in a magnet where its magnetic strength is concentrated?

One common method is using a magnetic field sensor and mapping the magnetic field strength around the magnet. By observing the variations in the field strength, you can identify two distinct regions where the magnetic field is concentrated. Another approach is using iron filings to visually show the magnetic field lines around the magnet, which can help visualize the two regions of concentrated magnetic strength.

How can you use iron fillings to show the shape of a magnetic field?

You can sprinkle iron fillings near a magnet to observe the pattern of the magnetic field. The iron fillings will align along the magnetic field lines, making the shape of the magnetic field visible. This technique helps visualize the direction and strength of the magnetic field.

What is a plotting compass?

A plotting compass is a small magnet which is suspended and is free to rotate. When it is near a magnet, the compass will always point in a particular direction (the north pole's direction) becasue of the force of the magnetic field.