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A hole. When you put a hole in the barrel, it reduces the weight of the barrel. But, when you remove the hole, the barrel becomes heavier.

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Q: What can you put in a barrel that makes it lighter and heavier when you take it out?
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Why do lighter objects fall slower than heavy objects?

Lighter objects fall slower than heavier objects because they have less mass, which results in less gravitational force acting on them. This means they experience less acceleration and take longer to reach the ground compared to heavier objects. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for both objects, but the heavier object requires more force to overcome its weight and accelerate at the same rate.

Does a heavier object always have more inertia than a lighter object?

Yes, in general, a heavier object will have more inertia than a lighter object. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its state of motion, and it is directly related to the mass of the object. A heavier object requires more force to accelerate or decelerate compared to a lighter object.

Does it take more force to move heavier objects than lighter objects?

All other factors being Equal, Yes. This is even true in Space where the objects 'may' be unaffected by Gravity and WEIGH Zero. The critical factor here is MASS, which we commonly call WEIGHT on the Earth. The MASS of an Object does not change based on its POSITION. The WEIGHT of an object varies based on its Position relative to a Gravitational body, such as the Earth.

Does the weight of the car affect the speed of the car?

Yes...a heavy car will accelerate slower, take longer to stop and ultimately have a lower top speed then if it were lighter. The first two are correct but the last is wrong. The simple fact that the car IS heavier means there will be more kinetic energy achieved over a longer time to very fast top speed usually occur in heavier equipped cars with the correct type of engine. The fastest cars (the speed record holders) start slowly but gain very fast speed weigh in and more than 15,000 lbs. That is 3 to 5 times heavier than the typical car.

How does the type of material affect how long it takes a shirt to dry?

The type of material affects drying time because some fabrics, like cotton, absorb more water and therefore take longer to dry, while synthetic materials like polyester dry faster due to their moisture-wicking properties. A heavier fabric will also take longer to dry compared to a lighter, thinner material.

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What happens when you take a rock from earth to the moon?

The rock would weigh less on the Moon due to its lower gravity, but its mass would remain the same. This means that the rock would feel lighter and be easier to move on the Moon compared to Earth.

If you have ten barrels 9 filled with one oz balls and one with 2 oz balls With only one weighing how do you find the barrel with two oz balls?

->Take one ball from barrel one, two from barrel two, three from barrel three, etc. Weigh the balls. The number of ounces over 55 ounces will indicate which barrel has the heavier balls. If the weight is 60 ounces, barrel 5 has the heavier ones.

How do you replace a cigarette lighter in a 1993 ford escort?

Take the lighter out. Reach behind and disconnect the wiring and then unscrew the back of the lighter a thing called a barrel connector. It is a cylindrical lighter fastener on the back side which fastens the lighter assembly to the car. Turn it counter clockwise as looking at it from the rear.

How do you find the right pumpkin on great pumpkin poptropica?

Weigh 2 pumpkins, starting on the left. The lighter one will go up, the heavier will go down. Take the lighter one off and replace it with the third one, and after each successive weighing, keep the heavier one on the scale. You have to weigh all 7.

Why will go down the ramp faster a light object or a heavier one?

a lighter one because it doesn't take long for it to get going but, if you wanna know which one will go farther it would be the heavier one because it has more momentum.

Does vacuum makes things lighter?

No, because vacuums only take out the air. The clothes are still affected by gravity and have the same mass. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The only change is the density due to removed air which can make the items heavier per volume

Why do lighter objects fall slower than heavy objects?

Lighter objects fall slower than heavier objects because they have less mass, which results in less gravitational force acting on them. This means they experience less acceleration and take longer to reach the ground compared to heavier objects. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for both objects, but the heavier object requires more force to overcome its weight and accelerate at the same rate.

Why is a Boeing 747 always heavier at take-off than at landing?

The 747 is lighter on landing because of the fuel it burned off during flight. This is true for all planes.

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don't take morphine while diving because it causes problems to your lugs and makes your breathing heavier

What is different about a bird's bones?

the bones are hollow. makes the bird a lot lighter and thus generally suited to take flight!

How are heavier elements formed from hydrogen within the core of a star?

Heavier elements are formed through nuclear fusion processes that take place in the core of a star. Hydrogen atoms undergo fusion to form helium, and then this process continues to create heavier elements by fusing helium atoms together. As the star fuses lighter elements, it produces heavier elements through a series of nuclear reactions.

How do you take the barrel off of a excel single barrel shotgun?

Take it to a gunsmith