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A) Radiation: Solar panels can harness radiation from the sun to generate electricity for certain types of aircraft. B) Convection: Hot air balloons rely on convection currents to lift them off the ground. C) Conduction: Heat generated from engines can be conducted through the airframe of an aircraft to melt ice on the wings during flight.

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Q: What can be used to fly A radiation B convection C conduction?
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What is the main method of heat transfer in your atmosphere?

The main method of heat transfer in the atmosphere is through convection. As the Earth's surface is heated by the Sun, the air near the surface becomes warmer and less dense, causing it to rise. This upward movement of air transfers heat throughout the atmosphere.

How does convection explain the ability to fly hot air balloons?

Convection explains the ability to fly hot air balloons because hot air rises due to its lower density compared to cooler air. As the air inside the balloon heats up, it becomes less dense and creates buoyancy, lifting the balloon. This convection process allows the balloon to float in the cooler air above.

Can Hydrogen fly?

Hydrogen alone is a gas and cannot fly. However, hydrogen gas can be used as a lifting gas in balloons or airships, which enables them to fly.

How will the background radiation a person receives change when they fly in a jet?

When flying in a jet, a person will receive higher levels of cosmic radiation due to being at higher altitudes where the Earth's atmosphere provides less shielding. As a result, the person will be exposed to increased levels of background radiation compared to being on the ground. However, the increase is typically small and not considered a significant health risk for occasional flying.

What do these 3 words have in common weight fly and sand?

The words weight, fly and sand have "fly" in common, because together they can form other words. Their direct relationship is: fly, fly weight, and sand fly.

Related questions

What is the main method of heat transfer in your atmosphere?

The main method of heat transfer in the atmosphere is through convection. As the Earth's surface is heated by the Sun, the air near the surface becomes warmer and less dense, causing it to rise. This upward movement of air transfers heat throughout the atmosphere.

Why is vacuum a good insulator?

A vacuum is a good insulator because it prevents the transfer of heat by eliminating the medium (matter).A perfect vacuum is the absence of matter. Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that does not need a medium. Furthermore, radiation is generally the least efficient method of heat transfer.

How do birds use convection currents to fly?

Birds use convection currents by taking advantage of rising warm air to gain altitude without constantly flapping their wings. By soaring in these upward air currents, birds can conserve energy and cover long distances while searching for food or migrating. They use their wings to adjust their position within the convection currents to stay aloft.

How does convection explain the ability to fly hot air balloons?

Convection explains the ability to fly hot air balloons because hot air rises due to its lower density compared to cooler air. As the air inside the balloon heats up, it becomes less dense and creates buoyancy, lifting the balloon. This convection process allows the balloon to float in the cooler air above.

Why does radioactive source give out radiation?

Radioactive decay happens when an unstable atom cannot hold itself together, and pieces of it fly out. The pieces include the emissions we call radiation.

Why does air temperature change as you move from the earth surface?

The reason is that sunlight gets converted into heat mainly at the Earth's surface, only conduction and some re-radiation heat the air and that occurs mainly near the ground. *If you fly on a plane with an outside temperature display, it's not uncommon to see temperatures of -50°C or -60°C at cruising altitude.

Why does air temperature changes as you move up from the Earth surface?

The reason is that sunlight gets converted into heat mainly at the Earth's surface, only conduction and some re-radiation heat the air and that occurs mainly near the ground. *If you fly on a plane with an outside temperature display, it's not uncommon to see temperatures of -50°C or -60°C at cruising altitude.

Why vacuum is a insulator?

There are four methods by which heat transfers from one area to another. They are, evaporation, convection, radiation and conduction. With a vacuum, only radiation can transfer heat across the vacuum and because the other three forms of heat transfer are negated that makes a vacuum a good insulator. Then again, you may be referring to electricity. For electricity, negative and positive ions in a liquid or electrons in a solid, need a medium to travel through. Electrons in a solid for example need to jump from atom to atom as they move or conduct through the solid. If you have a vacuum it makes it very difficult for electrons and or ions to jump across the vacuum. They will fly across a vacuum if the voltage is high enough though. What's more is, you can help electrons to fly across a vacuum if you heat up the cathode (negative electrode) to a very high temperature, but still, you also need a high voltage to pull them across the space of the vacuum after they fly off the cathode via heating. And so, a vacuum is a very good insulator for electricity at room temperature and moderate voltages.

What is a sentence for geodynamics?

Geodynamics is the study of the movement and deformation of the Earth's crust due to processes such as plate tectonics and mantle convection.

When fly is used in present tense how do you spell it?

I fly, he/she flies

What is found in the stratosphere and protects the earth from the suns radiation?

The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere, which protects the Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation by absorbing and scattering it. This layer acts as a shield for life on Earth by preventing most of the sun's damaging UV radiation from reaching the surface.

What was the eagle used for?

To fly.