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Nuclear energy is a type of atomic energy. [1]

Nuclear energy can be created by atomic Fission (like in out nuclear power plants), or atomic Fusion (like in the Sun).

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15y ago
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8mo ago

The two main types of atomic energy are nuclear fission, which is the splitting of atomic nuclei to release energy, and nuclear fusion, which is the merging of atomic nuclei to release energy. Nuclear fission is currently used in commercial nuclear power plants, while nuclear fusion is still in the experimental stage for achieving practical energy production.

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10y ago

Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are the two types of nuclear energy; both result in energy being released from the nucleus of an atom. Fusion occurs when multiple atoms are joined together and fission occurs when an atom is split in half.

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16y ago

I assume you mean for peaceful purposes. There are thermal nuclear reactors and fast reactors. The thermal ones use a moderator to slow down the neutrons produced by fission. The moderator can be normal water, heavy water, or graphite. The normal water types are the Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), these are the types used exclusively in the US, and in France. The heavy water types most used are the Candu which is used in Canada and has been exported to India. The graphite types have been most used in the UK, starting with the Magnox and going on to the Advanced Gascooled Reactor (AGR). Graphite moderator has also been used in the Russian RBMK design.

Fast reactors don't have a moderator, and therefore cannot be built with a water filled core, so have used liquid metal, usually sodium, as coolant. Prototypes have been built and operated, but not commercially as yet (see Dounreay PFR).

Other types of reactors include breeders which breed fissionable fuel, gas cooled helium with gas turbine, and molten salt, but these are all experimental or paper reactors, and may or may not be used commercially in the future.

You will find more in Wikipedia under these headings.

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16y ago

Nuclear energy comes only in two forms, fission or fusion

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atomic fission if i understand the question properly. Did you mean one source is what energy is caused from the centre of an atom spliting?