

Best Answer
  1. Like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract each other.
  2. Charges redistribute themselves on conductive materials to minimize repulsion or maximize attraction between them.
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Q: What are two rules for charged objects?
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What are two ways the electric force between two charged objects can be increased?

The electric force between two charged objects can be increased by increasing the magnitude of the charges on the objects or by decreasing the distance between the objects.

When you rub two objects together which object is positively charged and negatively charged?

When you rub two objects together, electrons are transferred between the two objects. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

What is the law states that 'like charges repel and unlike charges attract'?

This statement is part of Coulomb's Law, which quantifies the electrostatic force between two charged objects. It states that two positively charged objects will repel each other, as well as two negatively charged objects. Positively and negatively charged objects will attract each other.

What happens when two objects are charged through friction?

When two objects are charged through friction, electrons transfer between the objects, leading to one object becoming negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged. This creates an electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between the objects, depending on their respective charges.

What happens if two objects have the same charge What happens if two objects have different charges Can you think of an example of this?

If two objects have the same charge, they will repel each other. If two objects have different charges, they will attract each other. For example, two negatively charged objects will repel each other, while a positively charged object and a negatively charged object will attract each other.

Related questions

What are two ways the electric force between two charged objects can be increased?

The electric force between two charged objects can be increased by increasing the magnitude of the charges on the objects or by decreasing the distance between the objects.

When you rub two objects together which object is positively charged and negatively charged?

When you rub two objects together, electrons are transferred between the two objects. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

How do charged objects interact with each other differently from the way a charged object interacts with neutral objects?

Two objects that are similarly charged will repel, while two objects with opposite charges will attract. Moreover, a neutral object will attract either charges

What is the law states that 'like charges repel and unlike charges attract'?

This statement is part of Coulomb's Law, which quantifies the electrostatic force between two charged objects. It states that two positively charged objects will repel each other, as well as two negatively charged objects. Positively and negatively charged objects will attract each other.

What happens when two objects are charged through friction?

When two objects are charged through friction, electrons transfer between the objects, leading to one object becoming negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged. This creates an electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between the objects, depending on their respective charges.

What happens if two objects have the same charge What happens if two objects have different charges Can you think of an example of this?

If two objects have the same charge, they will repel each other. If two objects have different charges, they will attract each other. For example, two negatively charged objects will repel each other, while a positively charged object and a negatively charged object will attract each other.

What do objects that have the same charge do?

Objects with the same charge repel each other due to the electromagnetic force. Like charges, such as two positively charged objects or two negatively charged objects, will push away from each other.

Describe the relationship of electrostatic force between two charged objects?

The electrostatic force between two charged objects is inversely proportional to the distance of separation between the two objects. An Increase in the separation distance between objects decreases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

What factors is the attraction between two objects?

The mass, charge, motion (if they are charged) and distance of separation of the two objects.

When two objects become charged by contact what is true?

When two objects become charged by contact, electrons transfer from one object to the other, causing one object to become positively charged and the other to become negatively charged. This transfer of electrons results in an imbalance of charges between the two objects, leading to an attractive force between them.

Do two charged objects attract each other?

Yes, two charged objects can attract each other if one has a positive charge and the other has a negative charge. Objects with like charges, such as two positive or two negative charges, will repel each other.

How will two positive charged objects interact?

Opposites attract