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They are permanent, temporary and electromagnets

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Stefanie Raynor

Lvl 10
3y ago
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3mo ago
  1. Permanent magnets - retain their magnetic properties without an external magnetic field.
  2. Electromagnets - created by passing an electric current through a coil of wire, generating a magnetic field.
  3. Temporary magnets - become magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field but lose their magnetism once the field is removed.
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Q: What are three types of magnets?
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Three types of metals stick to magnets. They are iron, cobalt, and nickel. Really all substances respond to magnets but only these three metals respond strongly enough to stick.

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What are the 3 most common elements in magnets?

The three most common elements in magnets are iron, nickel, and cobalt. These elements are known for their magnetic properties and are often used in various types of magnets.

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Iron, cobalt, and nickel are the three main types of metals that are attracted to magnets. This property is due to the alignment of their atomic dipoles in the presence of a magnetic field, allowing them to be attracted to magnets.

What types of magnets are harder to magnetize but retain magnetism much longer?

permanent magnets

What types of magnets are easy to magnetized but lose magnetism quickly?

temporary magnets

What types of magnets are easy to magnetize lose magnetism quickly?

temporary magnets

What are 5 names of different types of magnets?

Neodymium magnet Ferrite magnet Alnico magnet Samarium cobalt magnet Ceramic magnet

Are all magnets metal?

Not all magnets are made of metal. There are various types of magnets, including ceramic magnets (made of ferrite), neodymium magnets (made of neodymium, iron, and boron), and even electromagnetic magnets that are not made of metal.

What types of magnets are easy to magnetize but lose magnetism quickly?

Temporary magnets, such as soft iron and steel, are easy to magnetize but lose magnetism quickly because they have low coercivity. These types of magnets can be easily demagnetized by external factors such as heat or mechanical shock.

What types of magnets are used in a MRI machine?


How many types of magnets exist?

Umm I dont No:)