One synonym for the word force would be clout. Another synonym for this word would be pressure. The last synonym for the word force would be push. There are other synonyms for this word; this is just three.
Force: N. physical power or strength possessed by a living being. Synonyms: Authority, competence, determination, drive, emphasis, intensity, obligation, persistence, pressure, requirement, validity, and vehemence.
The antonym for the word force is typically weakness.
The abstract noun for the word "force" is "forcefulness."
The word "force" in French is pronounced as "forss."
The word would be "push." It is a force that acts on an object in the direction of the force and away from the object applying it.
Three synonyms for the word 'righteousness' include genuine, commendable, and conscientious. Additional synonyms can be found in an online or paper thesaurus.
Three synonyms for capture are kidnap, trap, and imprison.
Sure! Synonyms for the word "push" include shove, press, thrust, and propel.
Three synonyms for the word "revile" may include abuse, admonish, and or berate. The definitions of the words and synonyms may be "scold", or to attack.
There are many synonyms for the phrase "brute force", which means to have mental or physical stamina. Some of these synonyms include: strength, brawn, and durability.
Three other forms for the word "get" are: * obtain * secure * attain The above would be considered synonyms for the word 'get.' If you are looking for other forms, they would be: * gets * getting * got * gotten
salary, earnings, wages
Stingy lol that's it