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The two types of energy released when fuels are burned are heat energy and light energy. Heat energy is produced as a result of the combustion process, and light energy is emitted as a byproduct of the burning fuel.

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Q: What are the two types of energy which are released when fuels are burned?
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Which types of fuels give out energy when burned?

Fuels such as gasoline, coal, natural gas, and wood all release energy when they are burned. This energy is in the form of heat and light, which can be harnessed for various purposes such as heating, electricity generation, and transportation.

What types of energy are in coal?

The main types of energy in coal are chemical energy, which is released when coal is burned, and potential energy stored within the coal itself. When coal is burned, the chemical energy is converted into thermal energy, which can be used for generating electricity or heating.

What things store chemical energy?

Chemical energy can be stored in various substances such as food, batteries, fossil fuels, and some types of wood. It is released through chemical reactions when these substances are burned, metabolized, or undergo other chemical processes.

What is classified as fossil fuel?

Fossil fuels are natural fuels derived from the decomposed remains of ancient organisms. The main types of fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels are non-renewable and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions when burned for energy.

What two types of energy are released when materials are burned?

heat and light, mainly from infra-red radiation

What sedimentary rocks where formed from the remains of plants and animals burned as fuels?

Sedimentary rocks formed from the remains of plants and animals that were burned as fuels are called coal. Over time, these organic materials undergo heat and pressure, compacting into coal deposits. Coal is a valuable energy resource and is classified into different types based on its carbon content and energy output.

How are biomass fuels and fossil fuels alike?

Biomass fuels and fossil fuels are both sources of energy that can be used to generate electricity and heat. They are both derived from organic matter, with biomass fuels coming from recent plant material and fossil fuels coming from ancient plant and animal remains. Both types of fuel release carbon dioxide when burned, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

What are resources that are not fossil fuels called?

Renewable resources or alternative energy sources are types of resources that are not fossil fuels. These include solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass.

What does conceptualisation of data mean?

it eans coceptualzing energy in different types of fuels

What does the amount of energy release from a fuel depend on?

The amount of energy released from a fuel depends on its chemical composition, specifically the types and amounts of carbon, hydrogen, and other elements it contains. The energy released is a result of the chemical reactions that occur when the fuel is burned or reacted with oxygen.

What are three types of energy used to heat the house?

electric, fossil fuels and geothermal

What are the chemical compounds of fossil fuels what are they called?

The chemical compounds found in fossil fuels are primarily hydrocarbons composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The main types of fossil fuels include coal (predominantly carbon), crude oil (a mixture of hydrocarbons), and natural gas (primarily methane). These compounds are responsible for producing energy when burned.