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Deceleration and slowdown are two terms that are sometimes used to describe a decrease in speed. Deceleration refers to a reduction in speed over time, while slowdown can refer to a temporary decrease in speed.

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Q: What are the two terms sometimes used to describe a decrease in speed?
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What are two terms sometimes used to describe a decrease i speed?

Deceleration and slowdown are two terms commonly used to describe a decrease in speed. Deceleration refers specifically to reducing speed, while slowdown is a more general term indicating a decrease in velocity.

What are two terms used to describe a decrease in speed?

Deceleration and slowdown are two terms used to describe a decrease in speed. Deceleration is the process of reducing speed or slowing down, while slowdown simply refers to the act of decreasing speed.

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Two terms sometimes used to describe slowing down are deceleration and retardation. Deceleration refers to a decrease in speed over time, while retardation generally denotes a decrease in velocity due to a force acting in the opposite direction of motion.

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Deceleration and slowdown are both common terms used to describe a decrease in velocity.

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